Covenants – Lesson 2 Lesson Overview: − What covenants has God made? − What conditions? − What methods of effecting? − What promises and threats? − What witnesses? 1
Covenants – Lesson 2 What covenants has God made? − With “the generations of the heavens and of the earth” (geotic, atmospheric, and astronomic or “Natural”) – Gen.2:4, Jer.33:20, 25, Psa.89:34-37, Jer.31:35-37 − With Adam (Adamic-1, Adamic-2) – Hos.6:7 (1), Gen.3:13-24 (2) − With Noah and “Nature” (Noahic) – Gen.9:8-11 − With Abram/Abraham (Abrahamic) – Gen − With Israel (Mosaic-1, Mosaic-2) – Exo.19:3-8 (-1), Deu.29:1-21(-2) − With Aaron (Aaronic) – Num.18:8,19 − With Phinehas (Phinehaic) – Num.25:11-13 − With David (Davidic) – 2 Sam.7:8-12, 2 Chr.13:5, Jer.33:21 − With Jerusalem (Jerusalemic) – Eze.16:2-8 − With houses of Israel and Judah (New, Christologic) – Jer.31:31-34 − With Israel and “Nature” (Millennial) – Hos.2:
Covenants – Lesson 2 What conditions? − Unconditioned: Natural − Preconditioned: Noahic (Gen.6:9), Abrahamic – God’s promise conditional upon obedience (Gen.12:1-3; 13:14-17), later solemnized into a covenant executed as unconditional with Abram in a deep sleep (Gen.15) − As a reward for heart-service: Phinehaic (Num.25:11-13), Davidic (2 Sam.7:1-16; Acts 13:22) −Post-conditioned: Abrahamic – God’s foreknowledge saw his obedience (Gen.18:17-19) − Conditioned: Adamic-1, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Aaronic, Davidic – conditioned as to individuals, covenant-breakers “cut off” like the pieces of a covenant sacrifice (Exo.19:5-6; worst case at Exo.32:7-10) NOTE: even conditional covenants were unconditional as to God’s aim of sending a channel of blessing into the earth 3
Covenants – Lesson 2 What methods of effecting? − Simple, spoken word: Natural, Adamic-1, Aaronic, Phinehaic – also for man’s part (Exo.24:6-8) − Word confirmed by oath: Noahic: not recorded in Gen.9 (Isa.54:9) Abrahamic: Jehovah swears by Himself (Gen.22:16-18, Heb.6:13-17) Mosaic: not readily apparent at the time, but recorded later (Deu.28:9, Dan.9:11); is a curse a form of an oath? (Num.5:21) -- Adamic-2 curse on the Serpent Davidic: not recorded in 2 Sam.7 (Psa.89:49) Jerusalemic: covenant oath mingled with marriage vow (Eze.16:8) 4
Covenants – Lesson 2 What methods of effecting (ctd.)? − Sacrifices and feasts: Adamic-2: acceptable and unacceptable sacrifices (Gen.4:1-5) Sacrificial feast customary in human covenants: Isaac- Abimelech, Jacob-Laban Noahic: acceptable sacrifices precede the covenant proper, and may be a part of it – note that God re- establishes His Natural covenant at this time (Gen.8:20-22) Abrahamic: most detailed account of a divine covenant (Gen.15:10, 17) Mosaic: formulized sacrifices and feasts required continually for Israel to keep covenant – and Exo.24:7-8 5
Covenants – Lesson 2 What methods of effecting? − Sacrifices and feasts (ctd.): Christologic: Mosaic types and shadows fulfilled in Christ (Mat.5:17) – whole burnt offering, sin offering, wave offering, Christ as Passover (1 Cor.5:7) and Firstfruits (1 Cor.15:20,23); “Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood…” (Joh.6:53); “This is My blood of the covenant” (Mat.26:28) – Lord’s Table and Supper (1 Cor.10:21; 11:20). Pentecost fulfilled in Acts period believers. Millennial: Ezekiel’s vision of a new temple and its dedication (43:18-27); nations that warred against Jerusalem must keep feast of Tabernacles (Zec.14:16) 6
Covenants – Lesson 2 What promises (blessing & cursing)? − Implied blessing in Natural Covenant: order vs. chaos − Adamic: blessing of Tree of Life, Edenic abundance & light toil; curse of death and burdensome labor (both kinds) – promise of the Seed of the woman; a curse on Satan − Noahic Preamble: Noah walked with God and was saved, while the earth was cursed by a flood Post-deluge: God blessed the earth by re-establishing His order of day and night, and the yearly seasons Covenant proper: no more floods to destroy all flesh 7
Covenants – Lesson 2 What promises (blessing & cursing – ctd.)? − Abrahamic: land of Canaan (and beyond) given, great nation, great name, all families of the earth blessed through him, promise of a natural seed, a curse on those who curse him − Mosaic: a peculiar treasure, kingdom of priests, holy nation, sins covered, manifold blessings & curses (Lev.26, Deu.28), one man might bring a curse on the whole nation (Achan - Jos.7:1) − Aaronic: share in the gifts of the altar, service of God (i.e., nearness), messengers of God, God for their inheritance, a polluted offering brought death 8
Covenants – Lesson 2 What promises (blessing & cursing – ctd.)? − Davidic: unbroken line of kings for Israel, but debased kingdom and cut off king possible for individuals (1 Sam.12:24-25) − Christologic: priestly kingdom realized & blessings flow to the nations, the Law written on the heart, sinners perfected, a man dies for his own sin, the curse of the law fell upon Christ − Millennial: long life, good health, justice & righteousness, knowledge of the Lord fills the earth, new order of creation on earth, Davidic kingdom restored, peace & safety, Satan bound, a first resurrection, overcomers reign with Christ, rain withheld from nations that fail to keep feast of Tabernacles 9
Covenants – Lesson 2 What witnesses? – Signs as tokens of remembrance Adamic: lights in the firmament (Gen.1:14) their words to the end of the world (Psa.19:1-4) – concerning the Seed of the woman Noahic: rainbow (Gen.9:13-17) Abrahamic: circumcision (Gen.17:11) Mosaic: keeping the sabbath (Exo.31:13-17); sign of the showbread (Lev.24:5-9); a wonder to the Canaanites (Exo.34:10-11) 10
Covenants – Lesson 2 What witnesses? – Signs as tokens of remembrance (ctd.) Aaronic, Davidic: covenant of day & night symbolic of immutability of other covenants Christologic: Jesus worked many signs, indicating Him as the Christ (Mat.11:2-5), as did His disciples “confirming the word” (Mark 16:17-20). But greatest was the “Sign of Jonah” – signifying His resurrection. 11
Covenants – Lesson 2 What witnesses? – Signs as tokens of remembrance Christologic (ctd.): signs in heaven - the woman and the dragon – Israel has taken Eve’s place in this latter-day conflict with Satan (Rev.12:1-9) 12
Covenants – Lesson 2 Summing Up: − 12 separate covenants identified, but inter-related −Various kinds of conditionality −Some by spoken word, some by emphatic words (oaths) −Sacrifices progressively more elaborate, until that one sacrifice that Could take away sin −Progressively better blessings revealed – God’s phased approach −The curse & sin finally removed post-Millennium 13