Commitments – Offers – Requests OneLegacy DSA Leading the Way….
Implementing an Effective Referral Response Team and Donor Council Enlisting donor families as part of the donor council. Guest Speakers Add a community member to the donor council Sit with or visit other hospital donor councils - Learn and share from others Help to implement tools - –Brain Death Form –Catastophic Brain Injury Guidelines –Health Care Team Pocket Cards
Making the Call: Defining and improving the referral process Referral Guidance Document - “ Guideline of questions going to be asked when we make the call.” Expiration time vs pronouncement time – “It is important to know when the heart stopped Designate someone to make the call - Improve referral times Increase education for tissue donation Identify PI opportunities and test ideas for improvement
A Clinical Balancing Act: Honoring the DNR Decision While Preserving the Donation Option Implement Traumatic Brain Injury Guidelines to provide good critical care for the patient & preserve the option of donation Encourage Multidisciplinary approach to the DNR discussion Discuss “Allow Natural Death” (AND) in lieu of DNR Increase education for the entire hospital healthcare team on End-of-Life care, including donation
Journey To Transplant: How patients facing organ failure get on the waiting list Utilization and transplantation of extended criteria organs Ways to impact the waitlist - dual transplant, chain donation Education - Community, Dialysis Centers, Waiting room videos, Internet Engaging donor family members and reciepts for educational opportunities
Caring For The Potential Donor Family Having Families witness brain death testing – Apnea, EEG… showing the results Life support Terminolongy- Word” life” is confusing to families. Utilize Ventilator or Mech support Engage bedside nurse as part of end of life conversation with family. Timing of donation conversation - The importance of not mentioning donation, or pre mention.
Breaking new ground: Next steps
Questions to Run On: I will commit to taking an active role in one or more of the following areas_________. One thing I have learned and plan to share when I return? The specific commitment (s) I will take in helping to decrease the gaps is: