LEGAL FRAMEWORK 1992The Сonstitution of Mongolia 2006Law on the central electoral body 2011Law on the automated election system 2011Law on the Election of the State Great Hural of Mongolia 2012Law on the election of metropolitan Hurals of Citizen Representatives 2012Law on the election of aimag, soum and duureg Hurals of Citizen Representatives 2012Law On Election Of President Of Mongolia
Central Electoral Body Established in commissioners: - Chairman and Secretary General (full time) - 7 Commissioners (part time) appointed for a 6 year term.
Structure of the General Election Commission GENERAL ELECTION COMMISSION /Chairman, Secretary and 7 members/ Adminstration office Information Technology Center Division of Administration and Finance /5 person/ Division of Information, Research and Methodology /4 person/ Legal Division /4 person/ Software Division /4 person/ Hardware Service Division /5 person/
System of Electoral bodies
Electoral systems of Mongolia 1990 –proportional electoral – Small Hural (lower house) – Great Hural (upper house). 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 – one mandate majoritarian system 2008 – multi-mandate majoritarian system 2012 – mixed electoral system 48/28
Role of the GECM Parliamentary election Presidential election Nationwide referendums Technical and methodological support to the elections on Citizen Representatives Hural.
Election commissions District commissions + Sub-Commission Sub-district commissions + Sub-Commissions for overseas voters Division commissions 1905
Vote casting Personal voting. Mobile box voting (one day before election day) Overseas voting for Parliamentary and Presidential elections. Automated Election System started to be used since No advance voting
AUTOMATED ELECTION SYSTEMS 1. Voter registration 2. Vote casting 3. Transmission and Integrity of results
Electronic devices of Automated Election System Voter ’ s registration devicesImage Cast Precinct /ICP
Voter registration BEFORE: – Election division conducted and updated Voter Registration List. – Issued Voter ID. – Voter transfer continued – until ballot paper arrives to division election commissions. – Citizen ID, Army ID. NOW: – State General Registration Department responsible for roll. – No overlapping, registration based on the date of central database. – Voters transfer – stopped 10 days prior election day. – Only citizen ID /foreign passport/
Complex of voter registration system Printer for registration bill Finger print reader Notebook with registration program Screen for community with picture of voter
Election day According to number of voters installed 1-2 ballot casting and counting equipment at the pooling station. Have been organized various advocacy activity on how to use voting equipment сурталчилгааны ажлууд хийв.
Vote process 1 Citizen ID, finger print check. Issue registration bill. 2 Presenting registration bill & ID to get ballot paper /brail cover/ Sign voter registration list. 3 Mark vote. Blind voter – /brail cover/ 4 Proceed ballot to vote casting machine. Blind voter – / with help of authorized person/ САНАЛЫН ХУУДАС ДАХИН ОЛГОХ: - Сонгогч саналаа тэмдэглэхдээ алдаа гарган буруу тэмдэглэл хийсэн бол; - Санал тоолох төхөөрөмж саналын хуудсыг таньж уншаагүй бол.
Ballot paper Information of ballot paper: Information on candidates Candidate photo (3,4*4cm) Vote mark instruction
Integrity of Results Zero reportResult report
Control counting After vote close out control counting place selected : At the soum level – 1 At the district level – 2 One copy of the control counting material should be sent to GEC. Observers and media peoples attends control counting
Image file of ballot paper - Images of ballot paper saved at device memory. - Ballot Images burned into CD and handed for political party observers
Central server Division commission Transmission of election results
Result integrity at central server
Advantages of Automated System -Fast Results. Voting results are delivered from all of the polling sites in a matter of hours. -Security. Highly secure platform that addresses all potential flaws of IT networks -Control and Reports. Full control over all elements of the system throughout the entire election process and real time status of every site -Efficient Operations. The automated elections system is managed by a group of dedicated professionals that are specifically trained to be able to tackle any malfunction or event in the most efficient way.