What are we doing today? A brief introduction about Swift Creek Elementary School Student Council Qualifications for positions Rules of election Duties to perform while in office
What does it mean to be a Student Council Member? Student Council offers 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Beavers the opportunity to actively participate in school wide initiatives, lend their hands to community causes, and see democracy in action. While representing Swift Creek Elementary, these student leaders will gain responsibility, increased pride in their school, and an overall awareness of events at a local and/or global level. Class representatives along with school officers will be held to high academic and citizenship levels.
I’ve signed up but do I qualify? Any elected office: No discipline referrals as of the date of meeting Academics are in high standing Follows the PBIS rules Respectful towards other students who are participating in the election process. President-5 th Grade Secretary-5 th Grade Vice President-4 th Grade Treasurer-3 rd Grade Homeroom Representative- 1 per homeroom elected by the Homeroom.
Rules of the Election Prior to Election Must have parental permission to run for office and signed permission form. Photo permission forms must be on file with the school. Students who meet the qualifications for office may run. Positive behavior in and out of the classroom is required at all times. Respect other candidates (No name-calling, harassing, bullying, or destruction of their work). Academics take a priority to all other activities.
Rules of the Election Cont. During election campaign Poster rules Posters cannot exceed 8 x 10 Posters must be clear of any profanity, negative images, or demeaning statements towards any other candidate Posters are to be hung ONLY on the staple strip in the hallways. No more than two posters per hall are allowed to be hung. Posters are to be stapled to the staple strip. NO TAPE!
Rules of the Election Cont. Your candidacy address Your rough draft must be submitted for review by September 18, 2013 to Mr. Dean. Final submission will be due on September 20, No late entries will be accepted after September 20. You have different options of delivering your address Video presentation (No more than 3 minutes) Power Point presentation (No more than 10 slides) Audio recording (No more than 3 minutes) Typed form (No more than 1 page) Presentations will be posted on our Student Government site on September 23, Appropriate attire is required if you plan to video tape your address. Be Creative!!
Election Day! You are allowed to vote! You cannot coerce others to vote for you (bribe) Remember to be respectful towards other candidates Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the tally of votes (Hopefully that day). Congratulate the winners and be respectful towards one another.
Our first meeting as Student Council…. Our first meeting for Student Council will be held on Oct 9, 2013 from 11:30 to 12:05 Bring your lunch and be ready to start the new year!