At Grass Philip Larkin
Title: “At Grass” Ambiguity of title: positive, pessimistic and literal. Comfort + relaxation of retirement Outlived purpose when reached retirement Horses grazing the grass
Synecdoche: “The eye…” Detached and lacking interest Casual observation leads to profound reflection Mirrors the nature of old age and how we spend it reflecting.
Anonymity: “them”, “And stands anonymous again”, “shelter” Anonymity could make them happy- distance and peace and if they wish to remain hidden/out if sight “Again” suggests they have been anonymous for a long time No point in moving/nothing to do= pointlessness of life or the value of youth.
Universal Theme: “mane and tail” Vague reference to horses- age/anonymity will affect us all Theme of passage of youth/glory and entry to old age is one that everyone can relate to at some point.
Meaninglessness: “one crops grass, and moves about”, “cold shade” No drive, focus or purpose anymore Ambiguous link to relaxation or unfulfilled lives “cold shade” suggests an emptiness and unhappiness that comes as a result of old age.
Word Choice: “distresses”- pain and misery. The slightest breeze causes them pain “fable”-marked as legends “artificed”-grand and formal diction- almost ceremonial
Alliteration: “dozen distances”, “fable them, faint” Speeds up rhythm and suggests speed at which we are forgotten/speed of athletic horses. Contrasts with the tranquillity and solitude of their retired lives through a faster rhythm
Punctuation: “them: faint”, “parasols: outside” Colon elaborates how famous they became-listing Listing excitement of races and emphasises the emptiness/ peace and contentment of horses retirement
Repetition: “and” Monotony of races they achieved- human entertainment but not enjoyable for the animals=animal abuse. Do our achievements define us? Emphasises the building of excitement- breathlessness
Imagery: “silks at the start” Colour of jockey’s clothes were vivid, colourful- horses joy and vitality
Enjambment Increases tension and suspense- notes contrasts between former and current lives.
Themes Death Passage of Time/Youth Abuse of Animals