Our students are expected to be: Full-time students Committed, active & engaged learners Ambitious, enthusiastic and autonomous students Role models Students who develop a wide range of skills through opportunities beyond the classroom Well organised students who take on the responsibility of private study commitments & meet deadlines Determined to achieve their best, responding positively to assessment, feedback & target grades Courteous, tolerant and respectful of others.
STUDY COMMITMENTS 9 lessons per fortnight for each main subject 4 lessons a fortnight for General Studies/Further Maths/GCSE re-sit in Maths or English Private study time: in Y or 4 hours per subject per week; increases in Y13 – as a guide, every hour spent in the classroom should be matched by an hour of independent study!
A minimum of 5 GCSEs - or their equivalent - at Grade C+, including English or Maths and also in any subject to be taken on to A Level in order to join the Sixth Form GCSE grades converted to a points score used to determine course: 3 or 4 subjects + additional study Take your best 5 GCSE grades/equivalents & score them: A* = 8 points, A = 7 points, B = 6 points, C = 5 points, D = 4 points, E = 3 points, F = 2 points, G = 1 point ENTRY CRITERIA
Use your total points score to make your course choice as follows: 30 – 40 points4 subjects + General Studies (or even Further Maths) 27 – 29 points3 or 4 subjects + General Studies 25 – 26 points3 subjects + General Studies
A LEVEL COURSES 2 year courses – very flexible YEAR 12 – AS Level: 2/3 modules per subject with examination slots January & May; results August. Re-sits possible. Year 13 courses begin in the May following AS exams.
A LEVEL COURSES YEAR 13 – A2 Level: Specialise in 3 subjects from September following AS results(plus General Studies or Further Maths). 2/3 more modules per subject with examination slots January & June. Results in August.
WHY STUDY A FOURTH SUBJECT AT AS? Stretch and challenge Breadth or a chance to take up a new subject Another qualification Personal interest Preparation for university – top universities expect it & it provides extra points More choice at A2.
Career & university plans – take advice or check out Subject interest Subject strength Talk to your teachers. Remember that for most employers & university courses it’s the qualification that counts! CHOOSING YOUR A LEVELS
Research university entry requirements if you have a particular course, career path or area of study in mind Use the UCAS website There may be both GCSE & A Level requirements No two universities are exactly the same. AIMING FOR UNIVERSITY? MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE (1)
Facilitating subjects: English, History, Geography, Languages, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology – at least 2 for entry to some of the most competitive universities Traditional A Levels providing a strong foundation for Higher Education If you are unsure about career direction, choose 2 to keep your options open The Russell Group guide for parents and students: INFORMED CHOICES – information about how to access the guide given out with programme. AIMING FOR UNIVERSITY? MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE (2)
General Studies at both AS & A2; 2 lessons per fortnight Further Mathematics at AS Re-sit English and/or Mathematics GCSE Enrichment, work experience, voluntary work, sport, PSHE days, trips & visits ACHIEVING BREADTH – or those little extras!
Application forms available on the website; we can provide paper copies if necessary No option boxes Choose 5 subjects & list them in order of preference; 5 th choice = reserve choice Personal statement THE APPLICATIONS PROCESS
Complete form, print out & hand in to your tutor/Main School Office form to Mrs. Munn : Post form (external applicants)
FRIDAY 9 th March – for the initial round of applications Vital to secure subject choices & for timetabling BUT: we continue to accept applications right up to the end of the academic year; course choices & places may be restricted. DEADLINES!
INTERVIEWS – Spring Term OFFERS INDUCTION DAY – TUESDAY 17 TH JULY REGISTRATION – GCSE Results Day in August; course choices confirmed or amended WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I’VE APPLIED?