® Intelligent Mail NPPC May 13, 2008
2 Intelligent Mail Vision Provide end-to-end visibility, throughout the entire supply chain, using: Standardized intelligent barcodes Continuous mail tracking Mail quality feedback in real-time and Service measurements
3 Mail Preparation Inside the Intelligent Mail Barcode Barcode ID: 2-digit field to specify presort makeup. “00” if you don’t use OEL Special Services: 3-digit field used to identify extra services like Confirm, OneCode ACS. “700”: First-Class; “702”: Standard; “704”: Periodicals Mailer ID (MID): 6- or 9-digit Mailer identifier assigned by USPS Adjustable Field: 3-digit field used for MID (if 9-digit MID), or for Serial Number (if 6-digit MID) Unique Serial Number: 6 or 9-digit field used to uniquely identify mailpieces Destination ZIP: 11-digit Delivery Point ZIP Code Unique Serial Number 6N Routing ZIP 11N 3 45 Service Type 3N Mailer ID 6N 12 Barcode ID 2N N Adj Field
4 Uniquely identifies the sender Uniquely identifies the mailpiece or aggregate Includes sortation & routing Includes Product, Special Service, or other Unique indicators Intelligent Mail® Tray Barcode 6060 PRIMACY PKWY STE 201 MEMPHIS TN Address Change Service John Doe 6449 AMBERVIEW CV MEMPHIS TN ABC Company Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode Intelligent Mail® Container Barcode Mail Preparation New Intelligent Mail ® Barcodes Intelligent Mail® Barcode Information-Based Indicia
® Comments to Federal Register Notice
6 Comments addressed the following topics: Readiness of Mailers and USPS in January 2009 Containerization Standards Mail “Owner’s” Identification Requirement for FAST appointments BRM & CRM Requirements Longevity of the Basic IMB® IMB® use on Parcels Use of Optional Endorsement Lines [OEL’s] Suggestions to achieve “Uniqueness” Mailing documentation to match physical mail Miscellaneous Items
7 Readiness of Mailers & USPS in January 2009 January 2009 implementation moved to May 2009 Tied directly to new prices in May 2009
8 Containerization Standards Concern about a lack of standards for First Class Letter or Flats IMB proposal does not include containerization standards Any new containerization standards would be subject of a separate proposal
9 Mail “Owner’s” Identification Shift from requirement from ID in Barcode to; Alternative method to identify owner through electronic documentation
10 Requirement for FAST Appointments We are not proposing required FAST Appointments for First Class Mail Will continue to require for drop ship for DBMC, DADC, or DSCF for Periodicals, Standard and Package Services
11 BRM & CRM Requirements BRM & CRM omitted from first Federal Register Notice Proposing Barcodes for letter and flat reply mail Business Reply Mail®, Courtesy Reply Mail™, Meter Reply Mail and Permit Reply Mail In IMB® format with Mailer ID and Reply Mail Service Type ID as of May 2010
12 Longevity of Basic IMB® We are not proposing Basic IMB® option be temporary Basic IMB® are information rich and convey more information than POSTNET
13 Use of Intelligent Mail Barcodes on Parcels Current Federal Register Notice for IMB® only applies to Letters, Postcards and Flats Currently refining standards for packages and will publish at a later date
14 Use of Optional Endorsement Lines The top piece in a bundle must contain: An OEL, information also in barcode; or Pressure Sensitive bundle label
15 Suggestions to achieve Uniqueness Suggestion to link delivery routing code and the serial number ID Proposal: Serial number ID in combination with Mailer ID and Service Type ID
16 Documentation to match physical mail Nesting of physical mail should match the nesting presented in electronic documentation Some instances where exact match of physical and electronic is challenging, but total number of pieces sorted to each destination matches the documentation
17 Miscellaneous Items Free Address Correction Service; will be provided for correctly formatted pieces in Full-Service IMB® Mailings 10/24 Barcode Format; Specification/Requirements will be posted on RIBBS this week. USPS will update technology to read pure 24 Format by May Variety of other issues covered by current Mailing Standards in DMM®
18 Questions & Answers