1. Land University of Nairobi owns 118 parcels both on leasehold and freehold interest basis. Forty nine (49 No) parcels for academic/research user Sixty nine (69No) residential user. Total acreage 13,425 acres, 13,316 acres academic/research, 109 acres residential. The University owns adequate land for current and future expansion. Compounds are landscaped with well laid ground lawns ornamented trees and storm water drain tunnels.
2. Buildings Constructed/development on the above parcels are over 400 buildings used for teaching and research facilities, accommodation for both students and members of staff. The buildings are located in various Campuses situated in several counties within the country. Teaching and learning facilities measures 105,801 sqm, while the office space is 36,398 sqm. To increase available space for teaching facilities, office accommodation the University is constructing a tower in Kisumu Campus and University Towers in the Main Campus. The University has 85 hostels and axially facilities for accommodation of students.
Teaching and Learning Rooms Lecture Theatres:306 Science Labs: 213 Computer Labs: 80 Workshops: 31 Studios: 13 Seminar Rooms: 47 Etc.
3. Transport The University owns a fleet of motor vehicles to support academic/research, administrative and assentials. Has 187 serviceable motor vehicles and 12 motorbikes.
4. Plant and Capital Equipment University has various teaching and research equipment in its laboratories and workshops. University has fully equipped printing presses.
5.Fire Safety Preparedness University is adequately and appropriately prepared for fire emergency. Provision of fire fighting equipment which are regularly serviced. Sensitization of members of staff Fire assembly points clearly marked in all colleges. Provision of first aid kits in all buildings.
6. Utility Services I. Water Water is supplied from conventional water supply companies. On average the University pays a monthly bill of Kshs. 7 million. Water for irrigation and Kibwezi is pumped from dams and Kibwezi River respectively. To supplement the supply from the above sources, the University has sunk boreholes 16 No with daily output of m³. University has water storage capacity of m³.
II. Sewerage and Waste Water Disposal Systems Waste water is by trunk sewer for campuses connected to main sewer and septic tanks and sewerage treatment ponds to the rest.
III. Power Electricity supply is from the main national grid. Back-up supply from 25 generators located in all Campus.
7. Health Services University has a 24 hour medical service to both members of staff and students. Has 11 Clinics located in all Campuses including those outside Nairobi County. Has a modern fully equipped surgical theatre, a sick bay, specialized clinics including counseling services, laboratory and wait pharmacy. Ambulance services are available in all campuses. For specialized services not available patients are refereed to Kenya National Hospital and private hospitals.
8. Access Roads All access roads to University premises are tarmac/cabro paved driveways, with cabro paved walkways and parking spaces.