Note the increasing fragmentation of the natural habitat as a result of settlement. Such fragmentation can adversely affect the success of wildlife populations
FRAGSTATS Overview Derives a set of useful landscape metrics Public domain code developed by Kevin McGarigal and Barbara Marks under U.S.F.S. funding
FragStats 4.x
Situation FragStats only supporting 4.x from now on There tutorial data is in ArcGRID format Following FragStats instructions on adding support for ArcGRIDs results in: Only other formats supported are ASCII GRID and binary (neither appear to work)
FRAGSTATS Fundamentals PATCH… individual parcel (Polygon) A single homogeneous landscape unit with consistent vegetation characteristics, e.g. dominant species, avg. tree height, horizontal density,etc. A single Mixed Wood polygon (stand) CLASS… sets of similar parcels LANDSCAPE… all parcels within an area
FRAGSTATS Fundamentals PATCH… individual parcel (Polygon) CLASS… sets of similar parcels All Mixed Wood polygons (stands) LANDSCAPE… all parcels within an area
FRAGSTATS Fundamentals PATCH… individual parcel (Polygon) CLASS… sets of similar parcels LANDSCAPE… all parcels within an area “of interacting ecosystems” e.g., all polygons within a given geographic area (landscape mosaic)
FRAGSTATS Output Metrics Area Metrics (6), Patch Density, Size and Variability Metrics (5), Edge Metrics (8), Shape Metrics (8), Core Area Metrics (15), Nearest Neighbor Metrics (6), Diversity Metrics (9), Contagion and Interspersion Metrics (2) …59 individual indices (US Forest Service 1995 Report PNW-GTR-351)