National Air Mail Week – Alpha and Omega Second Annual Blount Symposium Bellefonte, PA – October 21, 2007 Frank R. Scheer
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Purposes: Recognition of air mail transportation progress since the first flight in 1918 Familiarize the public about the uses and advantages of air mail service Publicize commercial aviation’s ability to handle mail, express, and passengers Increase air mail usage, thereby growing postal revenue to support further air network expansion
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Key People and Organizations: James Farley – Postmaster General Harllee Branch – 2 nd Asst. PMG Charles Graddick – Supt. Air Mail Service Paul Younts – National Chairman, NAMW Eleanor Roosevelt – First Lady Postal Employee Organizations Civic and Community Organizations Airline Industry and Notable Fliers
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Major Activities: Six-Cents Air Mail Stamp (C-23) Issuance National and Local Cachets Commemorative and Special Flights Air Mail Poster Contest “Wings Over America” Essay Contest Awards and Events Dinners National Radio Broadcasts
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Accomplishments: More than 9,200 cachets designed 500,000+ entries in the essay contest 1,700 volunteer pilots for May 19 feeder routes to network air-stop points 15,000,000 air mail letters and 25,000 air parcels sent between May 15 th and 21 st PMG Farley received 150,000+ air mailed congratulatory letters, parcels, and covers
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Implications: Post Office Department succeeded in mail transitioning to a by-product of air network services instead of its primary function Societal objectives of the Roosevelt administration were promoted Stimulation of new business investment Cultivating optimism of a “better tomorrow” through technological improvements and coming prosperity Binding the nation through community goals
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Goals of this Research: Move beyond traditional focus of studying cover attributes and cataloging cachets Comprehensive review of primary source documentation for this subject Compile an information base that supports new directions in postal history research Identify linkages between the POD and 1938 business and social environments
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Future Directions for this Subject: Study of covers to project routings between origin and destination based upon schedules in effect during NAMW Delve into primary sources at National Archives to reveal the roles and underlying expectations of NAMW Interview participants while still able to preserve oral history about NAMW
National Air Mail Week, 1938 Questions Invited!