Landscape modelling of Ilomantsi field scenery areas by GIS-based methods BBN project Kaunas Heikki Parikka The Regional Council of North Karelia
Landscape Planning and Bioenergy in Ilomantsi The Hill Villages of Ilomantsi are one of the 27 national named landscapes in Finland These landscapes have great symbolic value and widely recognised significance in cultural and historical terms Due to changes in agriculture and land use, traditional landscapes and cultivation fields are reforesting and disappearing. Situation of land use, bioenergy resources and production possibilities in hill fields areas are well defined using different kinds of statistics. One opportunity to protect valuable cultural landscapes is to cultivate biomass plants e.g. grass, oilseed rape, reed canary grass or cereal crops for bioenergy Bioenergy production can also support local employment, economical and social development and decrease dependency of import energy.
The Hill Villages of Ilomantsi Inventory of the scenery areas (the North Karelia Regional Environment Centre) Field parcel data (the Information Centre of Ministry of Agriculture in Finland, TIKE)
The Field Parcels in the Landscape Areas The acreage of the field parcels in the scenery areas in Ilomantsi 375 ha The area of not cultivated or abandoned fields in landscape areas 142 ha 38 % not cultivated
Ilomantsi: fields on tops of hills Not cultivated Cultivated
Hakovaara, Ilomantsi
The landscape view sectors in Hakovaara
The Use of Fields in 2005, Hakovaara
Visualising GIS data in the Internet The Ilomantsi field data in an Openlayers user interface ( The data published by Geoserver Open Source server ( The field data loaded from a PostgreSQL database ( The Satellite image from from Google Earth™ mapping service
Landscape visualisation in the Internet Visualisation of a field reforestation by Google Earth™ and COLLADA™ tree models
Google Earth visualisation of Hakovaara Ex.kmz could be run with GoogleEarth Thank You!