Complete Sentences Look Again Lesson 5
Complete Sentences Every sentence has two parts. A sentence must be a complete thought. The subject of a sentence is the naming part that tells WHO or WHAT The predicate begins with the verb and is the telling part. A sentence that is missing one of these is a fragment. Two or more sentences that are missing punctuation is called a “run-on.”
Examples: In 1937, (fragment) In 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge was completed it is located in San Francisco. (run-on) In 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge was completed. It is located in San Francisco. (complete sentences)
Tell your partner which one is complete, a fragment, and a run-on. I like to eat pepperoni pizza. Very yummy and good. I like to eat pepperoni pizza it is very yummy and good.
Comprehension and Language Arts Book Page 82
Try It! Write F for fragment or R for run-on. Orange trees plenty of water.____ Potatoes grow in cool climates they can’t grow in freezing weather. _____ F R
Practice Circle the word group that correctly completes each sentence. The first bridges were tree trunks. some foot bridges. 4. Pontoon bridges the surface. float on the water. Arches are very strong. curved supports.
Proofread Read the paragraph below. Correct the run-on sentences Proofread Read the paragraph below. Correct the run-on sentences. Write in end marks and underline three times the letters that should be capitalized. . A map has arrows that show directions the main directions are north, south, east, and west. There are also directions between the four main directions. The direction between north and east is called northeast southeast is between south and east. Between west and north is called northwest, and between west and south is called southwest. _ . _