Governance Structure
NSW Location Leadership Group Members NSW Treasury - Peter Goth Ministry of Police and Emergency Services - Sam Toohey State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) - Matthew Smith Australian Bureau of Statistics (NSW) - Jacky Hodges, Matt Berger NSW Ministry of Health - Lina Persson Department of Education and Communities - Mattu Barr, Greg Clarke Office of Environment and Heritage - Chris Fechner Department of Planning and Environment - John Hudson Bureau of Transport Statistics - Virginia Wheway Transport for NSW - Gary Murphy, Michael Tanner Local Government Managers Association - Gary Murphy Department of Trade and Investment Bruce Christie, Dr Chris Armstrong, Prof Mary O’Kane, Adam King, Andrew Cowan, Barry Kay Department of Family and Community Services Anne Skewes, Owen Griffiths, Cameron Matheson, Lyn Astbury Department of Finance Services and Innovation Des Mooney, Kate Harrington, Dawn Routledge, Wayne Patterson, Elise Comans, Belinda Jackson
Foundation Spatial Data Framework v.2
NSW Web Services Directory
LPI Spatial Web Services
NSW Location Intelligence Strategy Update Location+ -33°51’25” 151°12’55" Location Context Location Intelligence
Themes The Location+ implementation plan outlines initiatives to deliver better services and encourage collaboration between our three stakeholder groups: Location+ Government – to strengthen our governance, enable sharing and distribution of location information and provide the tools for innovation and improved service delivery outcomes Location+ Industry – to encourage collaboration between organisations in order to innovate use of location information Location+ Community – to empower members of the community to explore and utilise location information
Beyond the Foundation The NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) provides a common reference for authoritative spatial data. The NSW FSDF is available under creative commons, and continues to underpin and support evidence based decision making across Government, Industry and the Community. Location+ will contribute to and guide the continuous improvement of the NSW FSDF. Over the next two years, Location+ will encourage key government agencies to document their core value spatial datasets to create agency specific Spatial Data Framework’s which will complement the NSW FSDF.
Towards a consistent Cadastre for NSW Cadastre NSW The NSW property market depends on accurate and consistent information about land, whether it be the location of boundaries, ownership information or other interests that may impact the development and use of land. The digital representation of land parcels and property, the cadastre, is a fundamental information resource for NSW and is used to deliver a vast range of government services to the community. Location+ seeks to develop a next-generation cadastre to both drive and enable a transformation to digital government in NSW. Cadastre NSW will provide a broad framework to fuse together information from all agencies so that location-based decisions in NSW can be made with confidence.
Spatial Contribution to the Information Management Framework The NSW Information Management Framework (IMF) is a key initiative of the NSW Government ICT Strategy. NSW IMF provides a framework for the administration and use of data and information. It sets out best practice for the governance, collection, organisation, security, usage, sharing and maintenance of information. A key deliverable of the Location+ is the development and implementation of an agreed NSW Standard for Spatial Web Services. It will allow for seamless collaboration between organisations, and ensures spatial web services are accessible and interoperable.
Realising the NSW SDI The NSW ICT Strategy (2012) and NSW Location Intelligence Strategy (2013) establish the basic foundations along the way to achieving a NSW Government Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Location+ will provide the roadmap for the realisation of a NSW SDI. Developing a NSW SDI mirrors national and international trends to provide a single point of access for the discovery, use and distribution of spatial data, platforms, services and standards.
CRCSI Research and Innovation NSW Government will be working with the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI) over the next two years to progress a number of key initiatives. This collaboration aims to support user driven research in spatial information to address issues of national importance through commissioned research projects by key clients. Leveraging the knowledge, skills and research of the CRCSI to improve and deliver on initiatives will be a key outcome from this partnership. The three application research themes of the CRCSI – positioning, rapid spatial analytics and spatial infrastructures – are supported by four key program areas: Agriculture, natural resources and climate change Defence Built environment Health The collaboration with the CRCSI will produce tangible outcomes for Government, Industry and the Community. CRCSI is an international research and development centre supported by the Federal Department of Innovation.
Supporting innovation with 3D The way we see and interact with data is changing rapidly. Cloud computing, Google Earth and capture technologies such as LiDAR are just a few of the innovations. Advancements in 3D spatial modelling will further improve our use of location data, changing how we plan, design, and manage our environment. The NSW Surface Model Enhancement Program (SMEP) will develop a high resolution state- wide Digital Surface Model (DSM) and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Captured information can be used to predict inundation levels, identify historic landslides and determine infrastructure sites. The data will enhance the NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework, and support the continuous improvement of location data in NSW.
Next Steps Public consultation Endorsement Release early 2016