Work Package 2 Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Month 18 meeting - Helsinki, Finland.


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Presentation transcript:

Work Package 2 Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Month 18 meeting - Helsinki, Finland

2 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art –literature survey D4 = initial literature survey due month 6  More ambitious goal aimed Roma & Alicante Meeting: agreement for –Litterature survey according to specific crops –Reviews on specific crops/topics

3 Reviews - Focus on specific plant species Berry fruits, Cereals, Cucurbits, Fruit trees, Grapevine, Lettuce, Solanaceae, Sugar beet, Virus vectorsBerry fruits, Cereals, Cucurbits, Fruit trees, Grapevine, Lettuce, Solanaceae, Sugar beet, Virus vectors  25 different scientists Delivery date proposedDelivery date proposed –July 2006 to February 2007 Need forNeed for –Title proposed –Deadline –Summary proposal

4 Reviews on specific topics Functional genomics and proteomics approaches to virus resistanceFunctional genomics and proteomics approaches to virus resistance  J. Valkonen et al.  due August 2006 Transgenic forms of viral resistance and risk analysisTransgenic forms of viral resistance and risk analysis  M. Prins  date due? Sources of durable resistance to plant virusesSources of durable resistance to plant viruses  M. Boulton, C. Caranta and A. Maule  done

5 Questions ? Give clear indications aboutGive clear indications about –Title –Delivery date –Associated authors –Summary Where to publish ? Jointly or separately ? Journal or Book ? Presentation on Resistvir web site ?Where to publish ? Jointly or separately ? Journal or Book ? Presentation on Resistvir web site ? Molecular Plant Pathology & European Journal of Plant PathologyMolecular Plant Pathology & European Journal of Plant Pathology Thank you for your collaboration and your attention...Thank you for your collaboration and your attention...

6 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art –literature survey  revised! D4 = initial literature survey (UCL) –UCL –due month 6  delivered months D23 = 1 st literature survey update (UPM) –UPM –due month 24  merged with D4 D24 = 2 nd literature survey update (BAZ) –BAZ –due month 30  merged with D4 D42 = publication in (a) peer-reviewed journal(s) –SCRI –ongoing

7 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art –literature survey  ongoing, original plan revised –patent survey Initially due by Chalex, collectively decided to transfer to ARO Victor

8 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art –literature survey  ongoing, original plan revised –patent survey ARI + Arad-Ophir Ltd To be delivered as a report

9 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art Task 2.2: prepare questionnairesTask 2.2: prepare questionnaires Task 2.3: populate the databaseTask 2.3: populate the database J-P

10 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art Task 2.2: prepare questionnairesTask 2.2: prepare questionnaires –D7: completion of structure due month 9  done month 13 –M2.1 receipt of completed questionnaires forecast month 9  met month 13 –M2.2 1st database input forecast month 10  met month 14 –D9: completion of questionnaires due month 12  ongoing –M2.3: Analysis of database effectiveness – 2 nd questionnaire sent due month 18  ???

11 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art Task 2.2: prepare questionnairesTask 2.2: prepare questionnaires Task 2.3: populate the databaseTask 2.3: populate the database –D17: database fully populated due months  ongoing –D18: report on ongoing research programmes UniBa due month 18  postponed

12 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art Task 2.2: prepare questionnairesTask 2.2: prepare questionnaires Task 2.3: populate the databaseTask 2.3: populate the database Task 2.4: identify associate membersTask 2.4: identify associate members –D19: map of centres of activity JIC due month 18  postponed –M2.4/M2.5: centres of activity analysis completed forecast month 24  postponed –In addition: Excel file circulated to collate a list of possible contacts A registration desk soon in the web site  Deliver to Task 7.4 “project promotion and development”

13 WP2: Survey and database of European resources and centres of activity Task 2.1: state-of-the-artTask 2.1: state-of-the-art Task 2.2: prepare questionnairesTask 2.2: prepare questionnaires Task 2.3: populate the databaseTask 2.3: populate the database Task 2.4: identify associate membersTask 2.4: identify associate members Task 2.5: Management of the database and Db web siteTask 2.5: Management of the database and Db web site