Soil carbon dynamics and management history in CarboEurope cropland sites Werner Kutsch, MPI-BGC, Jena
Cropland near Kiel (Northern Germany) 30 years scenario Kutsch and Kappen 1997, Biogeochemistry
C ORG (t ha -1 ) Years First idea for an integrated study at the CarboEurope agricultural sites.
Gebesee Cropsite Landuse history since 1973 Crop rotation ( Potatoes, Winter Wheat, Rapeseed, Winter barley, Sugar beet, Winter Wheat ) Low tillage since 1990ties EC measurements since 2000 Soil respiration since 2004 SR partitioning Repeated stocktaking Few historical soil data Baseline ??? NitroEurope site IMECC site
Soil organic carbon ( cm) (g C m -2 ) Baseline Crop rotation known Change in management History of the site: agriculture (at least) since mediaeval times
Soil respiration (µmol CO 2 m -2 s -1 ) J F M A M J J A S O N D Current fluxes: soil respiration in 2006
Modelled soil respiration (µmol CO 2 m -2 s -1 ) Measured soil respiration (µmol CO 2 m -2 s -1 ) Current fluxes: soil respiration in 2006
Soil balance 2006: Input plant residues: g C ha -1 Fine root turnover:??? Mineralisation (according to model):354 g C ha -1 Total soil balance:<< 42 g C ha -1 (with fine root turnover: ~ neutral) Current fluxes: soil respiration in 2006
R Soil and R Eco (g C m -2 day -1) J F M A M J J A S O N D Soil respiration (orange) vs. total ecosystem respiration (blue) in 2006
NEP (g C m -2 ) J F M A M J J A S O N D Cumulative fluxes in 2006 H A R V E S T
Soil respiration and soil modelling suggest: neutral – small source EC and harvest suggest: big source (300 g m -2 y -1 ) (Harvest overestimated?) Conclusion for Gebesee 2006
SiteHistorySoil properties, i.p. soil carbon Soil respiration Baseline soil Aurade, FOld aerial and satellite pictures (since 1954), details since 2003 yessince 2007yes Lamasquère, FOld aerial and satellite pictures (since 1946), details since 2003 yessince 2006yes Lonzee, BCropland since 70 years, CR since 2000, details since 2004 yes ?* Oensingen, ChCR for last yearsyes (C ?)2005/2006? Klingenberg, DDetails since 2004, farmer may provide more information no ?* Gebesee, DCR and basic info about manure since 1973, details since 2000 yes Hainich, or forest near Burgtonna, Gierstädt Borgo Cioffi, IDetails since 2001yesyes, but fewno * Due to Google Earth there are forests around. Results from questionnaire June 2007
SiteHistorySoil properties, i.p. soil carbon Soil respiration Baseline soil Dijkgraaf, NLNot available yet since 2007? Langerak, NLSince 2000Soil description, C not available yet few in 2005? Lutjewad, NLSince 2005Soil description, C not available yet no? Molenweg, NLSince 2000Soil description, C not available yet few in 2005? Vreedepeel, NLNot available yet few in 2006? Results from questionnaire June 2007