Since the early days of their exist ence,human beings have tilled the earth because it was their only means of survival. As mentioned in Maslow’ hierachy of needs,eating and drinking is the most basic need. Agriculture departments include all branches of science required for coming up with the most efficent agricultural production methods at a time when clean soil and wather sources are becoming less and less available.
Due to its geographical struce and topography, Turkey is one of the most convenient countries for agriculture. About one third of Turkey’s 78 million-hectare surface area is covered with arable lands. There is a faculty agriculture in almost every Turkish city and these faculties provide hands-on training agricultural sciences and conduct research in relation to their particular geographical areas.
Agricultural Departmans in Turkey can be classified as follows: The Department of Horticulture The Plant Protection Department Agricultural Economics The Department of Agricultural Machinery Field Crops
Any student wishing to study in one of the departments of Agriculture must love working with soil and plants. Thus applicants need to be good in the field of natural sciences.