Old Land (Sharkia) Project site
Zankalon Water Research Station Water Management Research Institute (NWRC)
No.ActivityObjective 1Test and adapt the raised bed machine on wheat and sugarbeet in winter and maize and cotton in summer under old land conditions in Egypt 1.To evaluate the performance of the raised bed machine under Nile Delta’s clay soil 2.To determine the optimal bed width and furrow length using a modified machine 3.To evaluate the effect of furrow spacing (raised bed width) and furrow length on water/nutrients dynamics and water productivity 2Nitrogen management under mechanized raised bed technology of winter (wheat, sugar beet, and berseem) crops and summer (maize and rice) crops under old land conditions in Egypt's Delta 1.To determine optimal rates of nitrogen application under different raised bed width
1. Planting method 1. Planting method Farmer method (flat) furrow method Bio+ 75% N 100% N Bio + 100% N
Main soil physical and hydro-physical characteristics at the experimental site. Depth (cm) Particle size analysis FC (%) WP (%) AW (%) Bulk density (g/cm 3 ) EC (dS/m) pH SandSiltClayTexture 0 – Clay – Clay – Clay – Clay Mean Clay
Chemical analysis of irrigation water
Average monthly agro-met. values at the experimental site Date Air temperature ( o C) RH (%) ET (mm/d) Total Rain (mm/mon.) T. minT. maxT. mean NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY
Effect of furrow length and width and nitrogen level on grain and straw yields and yield components of wheat crop (winter season 2010/2011).
Effect of furrow length and width and nitrogen level on some water relations of wheat crop (winter season 2010/2011). Applied Water (m 3 /ha) Water Saved Water Consumptive use (m 3 /ha) IWUE (kg/m 3 ) WUE (kg/m 3 ) %(m 3 /ha) L L m L m W W 1 -65cm W cm N N % N 2 -85% N 3 -70% IWUE = Irrigation water use efficiency (kg grain/m 3 applied irrigation water) WUE = Water use efficiency (kg grain/m 3 consumed water)
Effect of furrow length and width and nitrogen level on sugar beet yield and quality (winter season 2010/2011). Treatments Root Yield (t/ha) Sucrose Percent (%) Purity (%) Sugar yield (t/ha) L L 1 -25m L 2 -50m F- test*N.S ** W W 1 -65cm W cm F 1 test** * N N % N 2 -85% N 3 -70% F. test** Interactions LWN.S LN**N.S** WNN.S *** LWNN.S
Effect of furrow length and width and nitrogen level on some water relations of sugar beet crop (winter season ). Treatments Applied water (m 3 /ha) Water Save Water consumptive use (m 3 /ha) IWUE (kg/m 3 )WUE (kg/m 3 ) (m 3 /ha)(%)RootSugarRootSugar L L m L m W W cm W cm N N % N % N %
Treatments Plant height (cm) Grain yield/plant (gm) 100 grains weight (gm) Grain yield (ton/ha) L L1 25 m L2 50 m f. test** *N.S W W1 65 cm W2 130 cm f. test** N N1 100% N2 85% N3 70% f. test** Interaction L. WN.S* L. NN.S**N.S W. NN.S**N.S L.W.NN.S Maize Effect of furrow length and width and nitrogen level on maize yield and yield components (summer season 2011).
Effect of furrow length and width and nitrogen level on some water relations of maize crop (summer 2011). Treatments Consumed water (m 3 \ha) Applied water (m 3 \ha) WUE (kg/m 3 ) IWUE (kg/m 3 applied) Water saved (m 3 /ha, %) L L1 25 m L2 50 m (5.7%) W W1 65 cm W2 130 cm (19%) N N1 100% N2 85% (1.6%) N3 70% (3.4%)
Treatments Plant height (cm) 1000 grains weight (gm) Panicle grains weight (gm) Grain yield (ton/fed) Planting method ( M ) Normal transplanting method (M1) Transplanting as strips method (M2) F. test *** Nitrogen (N) N1: 100% nitrogen N1: 85% nitrogen N1: 70% nitrogen F. test ** Interactions M*N N.S Rice Effect of cultivation methods and nitrogen levels on rice yield and yield components (summer 2011).
Planting methods (M) Total amount of applied water (m 3 /ha) Grain yield (t/ha) Yield increasing (%) Water saving WUE (kg/m3) m 3 /ha(%) Normal Transplanting (M1) Furrow method (M2) Total amount of applied water, rice yield, water savings and water use efficiency (WUE) as affected by planting methods and nitrogen levels.
Three field days and three harvest days were conducted in the site to disseminate the activities being conducted in the benchmarks Farmers from Sharkia Governorate, officials, extension agents, researchers from ARC, NWRC, and ICARDA attended the field days.
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