INCO 3739 „Integrating Multiple Demands on Coastal Zones with Emphasis on Aquatic Ecosystems and Fisheries“ Presented by Silvia Opitz (Project Manager) Partnerprojects: CENSOR, e cost, PASARELAS From May 2005 to April 2008
INCO 3739 An International Consortium of 35 partners from 22 countries worldwide
INCO 3739 Objective To contribute to the restoration of healthy fish stocks and ecosystems by 2015, one of the goals set by the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002.
INCO 3739 Results Specific Tools and Concepts to form a package with the potential to impact on solving societal problems in the coastal zone in Europe and developing countries. are being tested in real-world scenarios. are freely available online (at
INCO 3739 Target Groups Fisherfolks General Public Managers Media Policy Makers Politicians Public Authorities Scientific Community
INCO 3739 WP No. Workpackage title Tools/Concepts by Workpackage WP Lead 1Data, Tools & Outreach Portal INCOFISH portal at Järnmark, FIN, Philippines 2Shifting BaselinesDatabase of historical fisheries data Database of historical fisheries data relating to selected key aquatic resources in specific Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). David Starkey, University Hull, UK 3Biodiversity Mapping Electronic maps with predicted species distribution Standardized electronic maps with predicted distribution for all coastal zone species relevant to INCOFISH.. Maps with predicted distribution before and after a certain point in time. Maps with predicted seasonal distribution. Dynamic maps where species distribution is predicted from the occurrence of the respective niche in space and time as predicted by physical models of the oceans. Sven Kullander, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden 4Ecosystems Modelling Database and standardized ecosystem models Database relevant for modelling of all ecosystems represented in INCOFISH Standardized Ecosystem models for all ecosystems represented in INCOFISH. Spatial ecosystem models for all selected LMEs. Francisco Arreguin- Sanchez, CICIMAR, Mexico 5Marine Protected Areas Model of MPA planning Conceptual model for MPA placing and sizing in offshore continental shelf waters. Nicolas Polunin, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 6Coastal TransectsDecision making tool Decision-making framework and communication tool for integrated management plans of the coastal zone from mountains to the continental shelf. Ratana Chuenpagdee, Coastal Development Centre, Thailand
INCO 3739 WP No. WP TitleTools/Concepts by Workpackage WP Lead 7Sustainability Indicators Simple indicators Internet wizard Fish Ruler Review of existing indicators and selection of suitable, simple indicators. Availability of biological parameters needed for applying indicators. Internet-based software (Wizard) assisting in the application of indicators. Rainer Froese, Amanda Stern-Pirlot, both: IfM-GEOMAR, Germany 8Valuation of Coastal Ecosystem Products and Services Database on coastal stakeholders Economic indicators Policy options Database of social and economic information on coastal stakeholders. Identification of economic indicators to be linked to fisheries indicators from WP 7. Policy options for sustainable fisheries and coastal management, with a special focus on stakeholder involvement. Ussif Rashid Sumaila, University of Namibia, Namibia, and UBC, Canada 9Impact of Ecotourism Criteria and indicators for ecotourism Criteria to determine carrying capacity and limits of acceptable change (LACs) for ecotourism in- and outside the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Indicators to monitor impact of ecotourism on MPAs. Testing of concepts and indicators with special focus on stakeholder involvement. Stuart Banks, Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador 10Legal Instruments Comparative country profiles on fisheries legislation with database Country profiles on fisheries legislation for a series of non-European countries (Brazil, Indonesia, Kenya, Namibia, Nicaragua) and comparison with EU legislation. All in form of a database. Gerd Winter, University of Bremen, Germany 11Project Management Coordinator: Rainer Froese, Manager: Silvia Opitz, both IfM-GEOMAR
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INCO 3739
The Fish-Ruler – A Success Story for Germany The currently available fish ruler indicates the length at which % of individuals of a given species are reproductively mature. It shows also length of individuals without head and length of entire filets. The fish ruler- called “Fisch-O-Meter” - is being produced and distributed by the German consumer protection association in cooperation with the Lighthouse Foundation. WP7 Indicators for Sustainable Fisheries. Lead scientist: Rainer Froese, Coordinator: Amanda Stern-Pirlot, both IfM-GEOMAR, Germany.
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