Large Hadron Collider and ATLAS in Canada First beam circulation 10 September 2008 Rob McPherson Canadian Institute of Particle Physics and the University of Victoria and the University of Victoria Spokesperson & NSERC PI of ATLAS-Canada
The Big Picture Time - universe cooling - energy density decreasing t = now t = 0 Accelerators - probe higher energy earlier time, small distances - Last decades: elect. + weak unification -what’s next? LHC, proton collisions at 14 TeV Breakthrough in understanding …
What lies there? u Maybe the Higgs Boson, the missing link that gives mass to particles? u But what is the Higgs (mechanism)?
What lies there? u Maybe the Higgs Boson, the missing link that gives mass to particles? u But what is the Higgs (mechanism)?
What lies there? u Maybe the Higgs Boson, the missing link that gives mass to particles? u But what is the Higgs (mechanism)?
u Maybe the Higgs Boson, the missing link that gives mass to particles? u But what is the Higgs (mechanism)? What lies there?
u Maybe the Higgs Boson, the missing link that gives mass to particles? u But what is the Higgs (mechanism)?
Beyond the Higgs? SUSY, Extra Dim. … H { } B W 1 W 2 W 3 e e ( ) udud cscs tbtb { W Z } EWSB L L MORE? tbtb Z Fine Tuning COMPOSITE? q*q* l*l* * LQ h H A H 2HDM Higgs triplets, little Higgs e e ( ) udud cscs tbtb W Z h H H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUSY TechniColour Extra Dimensions Low Scale Gravity Non Commutative Geometry SUSYmSUGRA GMSB AMSB (RPV ?)
LHC compared to Cosmic Rays u Proton collisions at 14 TeV cosmic ray of 100 PeV hitting atmosphere u LHC will be first facility to precisely probe scales of high-energy cosmic rays u Nature does this experiment for us every day, but we do not have precise accelerator and detector in place to observe the interactions with high statistics
LHC: Experiments
The ATLAS Detector Length ~45 m Radius ~12 m Mass ~7000 tonnes
10 Sept 08, 1 st Beam, 1 st Event
10 Sept 08, 1 st Beam, 2nd Event
LAr Calo Pulses with Beam
2 nd Beam, 1 st Event
Canada and LHC/ATLAS u Essential contributions to the construction of the accelerators in the LHC chain u TRIUMF u Responsibility for critical parts of the ATLAS experiment design and construction u Core ATLAS detector construction group was Alberta, Carleton, Toronto, TRIUMF, Victoria u High-level trigger system u Alberta, McGill, Montreal, Victoria u Tier 1 computing facility u SFU, TRIUMF u Tier 2 analysis facilities u Alberta, McGill, SFU, Toronto, Victoria u And soon: physics
Canadian Accelerator Contributions u TRIUMF made key contributions to LHC accelerator u About $40M in total u Small part of the accelerator, but critical for the LHC success u Led by then Director, Alan Astbury (UVic), and Engineering Division Chief, Ewart Blackmore u Upgrades to injection system u Power supplies for injection “kickers” (Mike Barnes) u Collimation and beam cleaning in high radiation environment
ATLAS-Canada: ~ 4 % of ATLAS AlbertaCarletonMcGillMontréalReginaSFUTorontoTRIUMFUBCVictoriaYork Founded 1992: Michel Lefebvre, UVic Spokesperson (94-07): Bob Orr, UofT Spokesperson (2007-): Rob McPherson, UVic/IPP Deputy: Doug Gingrich, Alta/TRIUMF Physics coord: Isabel Trigger, TRIUMF Computing coord: Mike Vetterli, SFU/TRIUMF 42 University/Lab. Faculty (35 FTE), ~ 150 people, including Engineers, Technicians, Students Includes 5 IPP Research Scientists Educational Role ~ several UG Summer Students each year 60+ Graduate Students (growing quickly) 23 Post Docs 23 Post Docs Management roles: Chris Oram, TRIUMF, ATLAS board chair 4 NSERC Funded Construction Projects Construction completed in 2004 End cap Hadronic Calorimeter Forward Hadronic Calorimeter Front-End-Board Electronics Endcap Signal Cryogenics Feedthroughs Commissioning On-Going Commissioning On-Going Ongoing/Future Activities Calorimeter Calibration Calorimeter Calibration High Level Trigger Farms High Level Trigger Farms TRT Electronics TRT Electronics Beam Condition Monitors Beam Condition Monitors Computing / Tier 1 & 2 Computing / Tier 1 & 2 Physics !! Physics !!
The LHC Computing Grid u One massive computing centre with 100’s of physicists analyzing Petabytes of data per year not possible u Farm out data around the world using GRID u 10 Tier 1 for raw processing u 1 in Canada: TRIUMF/SFU u PI: Mike Vetterli u Manager: Reda Tafirout u Tier 2 for analysis u 5 sites in Canada: West: UVic,SFU,Alta East: Toronto,McGill Canada UVic SFU UAlta UofT McGill u Current W-LCG Chair: M.Vetterli, SFU
Today: 10 September 2008 u First acceleration of beams around the complete LHC u Momentous scientific event u On the threshold of great scientific discovery