All About Me My moms name is Allison Crimmings My dads name is Randall Crimmings My sister is older than me by 16 months and her name is Ella Crimmings. I love to play soccer, I am on Odyssey select team. I am the defender. I love to run, especially since I do it a lot in soccer! I am 11.
Science In Science we did an experiment with rockets. We used Alka-Seltzer and water. It caused a chemical reaction causing it to boost up into the ceiling. We also did an experiment with detergent, milk , and water coloring. When we added the detergent it caused the water coloring to spread out in the milk. When we mixed it together, it caused a reaction to make it look a little like a tie-dye t-shirt. In class this week we are learning about chemistry and the elements. Did you know Coach Gray, you are wearing bishop?
Math In math we are learning about prime factorization and what methods to use. I learned how to use the cake method and the factor tree. After we leaned how to use prime factorization for the least common multiple, L.C.M; we leaned how to use both of those methods for G.C.M which is the greatest common factor. On the very first week, I took a test including things we learned from last year and things we were going to learn in the next two weeks.
Language Arts In language arts we get to read for 15 minutes. I love reading so this is one of my favorite things in Language Arts. My favorite thing we did in Language Arts was watching a clip from the lion king and getting to be one of those characters in a story. We are unpacking out knowledge to get us ready for the EA (embedded assessment).
Ava Crimmings Coach Gray Period 3 In wheel, I want to learn how to type at 50wpm 95% accuracy on general words. In wheel I have taken a test over my typing skills. I didn’t do so good because I’m a bad at typing. I like that we get to do fun things in wheel such as create power points and play fun games online.
World Geography In world geography I have had to study and have a lot of homework. The unit that we have been working on was the mapping unit. I had to take I big test and I got a 100.