To find out more about the features of AdviserNet, just click through the slides in this PowerPoint presentation by using the arrow keys on the bottom right of each slide. At the end of the presentation you will be taken back to the AdviserNet web pages.
Different home pages for England and Wales. Access country specific information relevant to the law in England or Wales
Front page news of relevance to advisers.
Search by any keyword or phrase
Search by client group e.g. lone parents to find the information items likely to be applicable to that group
Advanced site search by keyword or date item published
Search by simple A-Z e.g. for Employment.
Search by one of fourteen topic categories.
Review sublist of topics in Employment category
Select redundancy information item in Employment category
Access detailed content e.g. for unfair dismissal
Whats new section updated regularly
Search reference books, leaflets or organisation contact details
Amendments to reference books referred to throughout are updated regularly
Leaflets referenced throughout can also be accessed in one place
Hundreds of useful organisation addresses and phone numbers regularly updated
Abstracts of relevant case law
Online bulletin of changes to legislation, case law and practice.
AdviserNet offers several accessibility enhancement features
Keyboard shortcuts allow an adviser to reach certain parts of the web site quickly. Helpful for advisers who have difficulties using a mouse or prefer to use shortcuts.
High contrast version enhances accessibility for advisers with visual impairments
Text only version enhances accessibility
Comprehensive help section with AdviserNet FAQs. Access IT Helpdesk (local rate) for technical/installation queries