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P Patient or Problem I Intervention or Outcome C Comparison intervention or Exposure O Outcomes QuestionIs hormone replacement therapy effective in preventing heart disease in older women (>60 years <80 years)? PICO Question In older women (aged 60 to 80 years)…… … hormone replacement therapy……… …..compared to with standard prevention..… …..more effective in preventing heart disease (AMI, hypertension). Study designs RCT (preferred), cohort, case-control
P Patient or Problem I Intervention or Outcome O Outcomes QuestionWhat is the most effective cholesterol lowering drug for a middle-aged man with a positive familial history of heart attack? PIO Question In middle-aged men (40 to 60 years)…… …..which cholesterol lowering drug ……… … more effective in preventing heart attack (AMI). Study designs RCT (preferred), cohort, case-control, case-series
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Questions Choose question, work together A friend has recommended that a 67 year old grandmother be put on to hormone replacement therapy to prevent heart disease? A 58 year old male patient has read about the effects of cholesterol on heart attacks and is concerned because his own father died of a heart attack at age 60. He has read that this puts him at increasing risk of having a heart attack himself and he wants to know which cholesterol lowering drug should he take?