10 of my favorite things By: Amber Howe The 10 things I like the most that I do~ (my version of the Miley Cyrus “7 things”)
Anime Anime is a Japanese cartoon. My favorite anime is “Tsubasa Chronicle” My favorite anime character, however, is Hippo (the blue penguin) I also like Cardcaptors (Cardcaptor Sakura in Japanese) which has many of the same characters as Tsubasa Chronicle.
Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts is a Japanese video game that has Final fantasy characters and Disney characters My favorite Character is Roxas (The with the black coat and keys) who is Sora’s (The brown-haired boy in the water) other person (called a nobody) and they can only use the Keyblade (The yellow key). My favorite organization 13 (a group of 13 nobodies) character is Demeyx (The guy with the Sitar)
Drakan Drakan is a video game that takes place in the middle ages. The main character, Rynn, is a dragon rider who has to save the city of Surdana. Her dragon’s name is Arokh. My favorite monster is a Wartok.
DeviantART DeviantART.com is a website I submit my arts to. My user name is “Hippo567” but I go as “Jana” which is my internet name. I have many people who help me improve on my art.
Neopets Neopets may seem like a kids’ site, but there are many people my age and even older on it. I have been active on Neopets since I was 8 years old. On Neopets, I met my Penpal when I was 9.
Gmail Gmail is the site I talk to my Penpal, Nichole, on. I also do many other things on it, like talk to youtube friends or just send a file to someone. I go as Jana489.
Youtube I go as Jana489. I make AMVs (Anime music Video) although I only made one… I also just entertain people with other things. The picture on the bottom corner is my profile background. >>
Music I love to listen to music. I love to play the Piano. I am learning how to play the guitar. I love to write my own lyrics and musical notes down on paper.
Green Day I don’t think they even make music anymore… But I love their songs! My favorite song is “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” My second favorite is “Wake me up When September Ends”. I think they always look sleepy…………. >>>>
Secondhand Serenade I LOVE them SO MUCH. Well, not that much, I really only know one song by them… “Fall for You” is my favorite song of all time.
That is the end of the amazing Amber Howe’s 10 favorite things. HOPE YOU ENYJOYED IT!!! The End!!!