Bienvenidos Welcome Bienvenidos Bienvenidos Welcome Bienvenidos Spanish Class Mrs. Ward
LOVE IS THE REASON FOR TEACHING It costs nothing, yet is the most precious thing. The more we give, the more is returned.
Materials Loose leaf paper in binder Pens, pencils, and eraser 1 red pen Writing notebook (1 subject) Highlighter
Meet Mrs. Ward
Mrs. Ward’s Classroom Expectations
Will this teacher treat me fairly? YES, ABSOLUTELY
What will I be doing this year? We will begin by reviewing vocabulary words and greeting in Spanish. We will begin by reviewing vocabulary words and greeting in Spanish. We will learn grammar rules and expressions. We will learn grammar rules and expressions. We will conjugate verbs, and learn the use of nouns and adjectives in Spanish. We will conjugate verbs, and learn the use of nouns and adjectives in Spanish. We will do reading comprehension and learn about the Spanish culture.We will do reading comprehension and learn about the Spanish culture.
How am I going to be graded? Quarter grades will be determined by averaging the following: –Test grades (2 parts to test) Chapter Vocabulary and Chapter Test –Quiz grades –Homework grades –Participation grades –Chapter Activities grades
Mrs. Ward’s Classroom Rules: 1.Be courteous 2.Be prepared 3.Be on time 4.Follow all policies and procedures
Mrs. Ward’s Classroom Contract Guidelines Procedures
Guideline #1 Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned work when the tardy bell rings.
Guideline #2 Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave. Guideline #3 Follow directions the first time they are given.
Guideline #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.
Guideline #5 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the SVF School ’ s handbook.
Special Guideline This classroom is a “ No Whining Zone ”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please respect the “ No Whining Zone ” this year.
Following Guidelines will result in... Verbal acknowledgement A stress-free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere
Not Following Guidelines will result in... 1 st –Warning and documentation 2 nd –Action Plan, Parental Contact 3 rd –Disciplinary Referral
Mrs. Ward’s Action Plan 1.What’s the problem? 2. What’s causing the problem? (Please list the factors) 3. What plan will you use to solve the problem? ________________ Date ______________________ ____________________ Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Honor Code of Conduct "I want to live as a Child of the Light." On my honor, I pledge to tell the truth at all times and respect others and their possessions. I pledge to do my own work and to develop my God-given talents.
Classroom Procedures Explain, Rehearse, Reinforce!
Entering the Room Please enter quietly. Have a seat. Take out your materials and have the Spanish prayer ready. Check your assignment tracker to review your work.
When you are tardy… Enter quietly. Excused: Place excuse in the basket on my desk. Unexcused: sign the book, have a seat and take out your materials.
Getting Your Attention I will... Stand in front of the class. Raise my hand. Wait for everyone to be quiet. Begin speaking
Paper Heading Espa ñ ol plus your grade Nombre-name; Fecha-date in “ Spanish ” Your homeroom number on the right top corner. Placed on all tests and homework assignments.
Student Responsibility Card This is for students who do not have the assigned homework. Fill it out. Sign and date it. Turn it in with the homework papers.
Finish Classwork Early “What do I do next?” Work on unfinished Spanish assignments. Choose an “ end of the chapter ” reading. Write vocabulary words 3 times each. Review vocabulary words flash cards. Start working on tonight ’ s homework.
After an Excused Absence Go to the school website and find assigned homework. Ask me or a classmate for activities done in class. Make-up work
Classroom Discussions PLEASE participate. I want to hear what you have to say. Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.
Moving Around the Room You must ask for permission. Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency.
Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “ Hasta Ma ñ ana ”
Contract Student agreement: –I have read through Mrs. Ward’s class expectations and I agree to follow her guidelines. Name ________________ Date ________ Parent agreement: –I have looked over the class expectations with my child. Name _______________ Date _________ Daytime phone number ______________ address: _____________________
Remember… “I truly believe in your potential. I want you to believe in it, too”! I know that you have the ability to succeed! Lets have an awesome year!” – Mrs. Ward