Rachael Shewmaker April 30, th period
Perseverance Perseverance means to never give up or keep trying. I have to persevere all the time when it is testing time.
Kindness Kindness means to be nice or generous to others. I would help by doing community service out of an act of kindness.
Giving your best The value is that u have an outcome over you give your best and it is rewarding. Yes I practice all the time for soccer so I can achieve my goal so I can go pro.
The impossible Once I was playing soccer with my brother and we were about to play and undefeated team. We thought there's no way we would beat them but we did!
Defeat Yes it is very hard because you want to already just give up but you cant because you want to accomplish your goal.
Criticize? I encourage others to do there best like in soccer I encourage the girls not to give up and keep trying.
Choices? If you make bad choices you will not get very far in life. Except if you make good choices you can achieve anything.
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