Products Events Curriculum
The five goals Set up a Fairtrade School Steering Group. 2. Whole-school Fairtrade Policy. 3. Selling, promoting and using Fairtrade products. 4. Learning about Fairtrade issues through the curriculum. 5. Promoting and taking action for Fairtrade in the school and wider community.
Evidence Sets of minutes Names of Steering Group members and their role in the school (at least 50% should be pupils) Sales records or invoices of products bought for the school Lesson plans and samples of pupils’ work Photographs of events Relevant press cuttings Newsletter articles, school website references
The benefits of becoming a Fairtrade School… For the whole school… Local and national recognition; there’s a certificate to display in the school entrance Provides an exciting and meaningful project for School Councils Supports and links in with lots of other initiatives such as Eco- Schools, International Schools, Healthy Schools for pupils and stunts Enables the school to have a positive influence on the wider school/local community Links with an important country wide and international movement for a fairer world
The benefits of becoming a Fairtrade School… For pupils… Enables pupils to engage in active citizenship; contributes to making the world a fairer place Capitalises on young people’s enthusiasm for Fairtrade Helps pupils to understand interdependence; how their choices and actions can impact on others Helps pupils develop and use skills - taking responsibility, making positive choices, planning and implementing a campaign… Encourages critical thinking Offers opportunities for challenge and confidence building Promoting Fairtrade is fun! Fairtrade for pupils and students
The benefits of becoming a Fairtrade School… For teachers… Provides opportunities to enhance many areas of the curriculum Provides opportunities for real active citizenship Contributes to ‘Every Child Matters’ and ‘Sustainable Schools’
Where to next? Think about whose support will be needed to help the school become a Fairtrade School: headteacher, governors, key teaching staff, catering staff, School Council... Get agreement in principle to work towards the Fairtrade Schools Award Carry out a Fairtrade audit of the school - available in the Action Guide Plan next steps/actions to begin process: decide who is going to do what and when, and start collecting evidence