You should have 2 warm-ups from last week (Monday and Tuesday) You need to fill in 3 things you learned last week on the back Turn it into the class basket
Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.Finish Lesson 28 Notes 3.Complete lesson 27/28 vocab sheet Mon Oct 27, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: Essential Question: How can I make the proper food choices to ensure that I am consuming the necessary nutrients for optimal health?. 1.Meet in Rm. 417 on the BLOCK day 2.Food log project is due Friday – 100 points 3.Lesson 27/28 Vocab due Friday
1. Keep your refrigerator between 35 and 45 degrees
2.Wash your hands before handling food
3. Do not use the same utensils or cooking surfaces as raw meat
4. Do not let food sit out for more than 2 hours
5. Check expiration dates
6. Don’t double dip
Salmonellosis – the bacterium salmonella contaminates water, kitchen surfaces, eggs, and raw meats
Botulism – the bacterium clostridium botulinum produces a toxin that contaminates improperly canned foods
E-coli – the bacterium escherichia coli contaminates undercooked meat, especially hamburger
Gastroenteritis – caused by a virus or bacteria that causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines
Today’s Agenda: 1.Officer Keipert 2.Next Class period - Meet in Room 417. You MUST have your food log. Tue Oct 28, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: 1.Food log project is due Friday – 100 points 2.Lesson 27/28 Vocab due Friday I will be an active listener and participant for our guest speaker, Officer Keipert.
Wednesday/ Thursday
Today’s Agenda: 1.No Warm-up 2.Finish food log project Wed/Thu Oct 29/30, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: 1.Food log project is due Friday – 100 points 2.Lesson 27/28 Vocab due Friday Essential Question: How can I make the proper food choices to ensure that I am consuming the necessary nutrients for optimal health? I will analyze my own diet choices.
1. Grab a new Analysis form and take the old one out of your packet 2. Log on a computer 3. Get out your food log packet and follow the instructions on how to log on the website and start your food journal 4. When you finish logging all 7 days of your food journal, follow the directions in the packet to create your 2 reports 5. Use the reports to complete the food log analysis form in your packet. 6. We are NOT going to print out reports. 7. Turn in your completed food log and analysis form.
Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.Finish Lesson 27/28 Vocab 3.Halloween Candy List Fri Oct 31, 2014 Assignments Due: Objective: 1.Food log project is due Today – 100 points 2.Lesson 27/28 Vocab due Today Essential Question: How can I make the proper food choices to ensure they are consuming the necessary nutrients for optimal health? I will understand the direct correlation between food choices and maintaining a healthful body weight.
Turn into the basket on your way out! Instead of an acrostic: List 3 NEW things you learned this week in class