9 th Grade Global History & Geography Mr. Hurst
Supplies 2” three-ring binder for notes and handouts Pens (black and dark blue ink only) for essays Pencils (No. 2 for Scantron sheets on tests) Highlighter (for documents and tests) Colored Pencils (for projects etc.) Stapler and Hole Punch
Textbook Keep this at home It is to be used for homework and reference It is not needed for class every day
Websites Haiku Learning – make sure you create your password as you will need daily access to your assignments and lessons. which is my own website and contains the majority of the course lessons plus other important documents, maps, pictures, and video links required for this course.
Homework I do not assign homework on a nightly basis but…. There is a weekly assignment called “Where in the World” [details on how to do this later]. When I do assign homework it is very meaningful and important and will be added into your grade. I strongly suggest that you spend ten minutes every night going over your notes from that day!
Tests and Quizzes All tests given will be shown on the school calendar and in Haiku, along with the content to be covered. Sometimes I give quizzes, especially on the more difficult material. I will give you advance notice. I will always let you know in advance the format for each test.
Essay Writing We will spend several classes on learning how to write essays for Global History. There are two types to be covered; the Document Based Question (DBQ) and the Thematic essay. There will be both in-class and take-home essays. I have free periods during the week for one-on-one assistance, especially with your writing development.
Projects There are two projects planned for this school year. Details will be given as to the exact requirements and due dates. They will be a major part of the semester grades. You will need your creativity and imagination for this!
iPads and Laptops During the first semester, this class will use iPads. Once your training is complete, we will start immediately. I have created several special iPad classes for this course but your main use will be for note taking and organization. Before this begins, you can use your own devices for note taking. However, if I find anyone not using them correctly, it will stop!
Classroom Rules I have no assigned specific seating. We must start on time. We only have a 4-day week. If we start late then we will lose one class a month. I encourage class participation but not cross-talking! Eating and drinking – only if you have to and no 3-course meals! Clean up after yourselves, we do not have a maid!
Conclusion Remember, this is the first year of a two-year course. Work hard now, take good notes, save everything and next year will be the reward for your hard work. Make sure you catch-up on any work missed. It is your responsibility to see me if you are absent or away. I normally do not give make-up tests, so let’s do it right first time! Remember - History can be fun.