Yr 7 Parents Forum: Introduction to MidYIS West Island School October 2013
Middle Years Information System Run by Centre for Evaluation and Durham University. 50% UK schools, many International Schools. 1.3 Million Students 250K students per year do MidYIS MidYIS
Assessed by a computer adaptive test that take 1 hour Measures developed ability rather than taught curriculum No preparation is required for the test Components are vocabulary (words and phrases) maths (numeracy) non-verbal (spatial/3d) skills (proof reading and perceptual speed and accuracy) School and students’ test performances are compared to a nationally representative sample. Provide measures of relative performance at (I)GCSE and at end of KS3 (‘value added data’) – baseline test Assessment data from the test components provides valuable information to support teaching and learning, target setting and subsequent monitoring MidYIS : key elements
Computer adaptive?
Bands, percentiles, standardised scores… Standardised scores D C B A Percentiles: