Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 1 Action Plan Guidelines This is your working document What do you want to accomplish Who is going to do what When is it going to get done What resources did you see this week that you’d like to adapt for use What resources do you need for your plan Tell us what helped you most, what is missing, and what needs improvement As you work, post your Action Plan on the Ed Academy Community so that others may observe your work ( Save your presentation on this USB Memory Stick Please Title and name the file, identifying your location Do not write or save over the template, keep it for later reference A report out of accomplishments is due Nov. 15 Work with your Intel Education Manager to submit Note: sample completed Action Plans from 2009 are on the Intel website:
Action Plan Template Educator Academy May 2011 Spain
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 3 Intel Confidential 33 Action Plan Ver. 2.0 Intel ISEF 2010 Educator Academy Dec 2011 Spain
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 4 High Level Goals Long term goals –Set-up a national, itinerant fair (similar to UK) –Align K-12 curricula to include research work, as already happens in Catalunya Short term goals –establish and consolidate MAGMA as the reference fair in Spain for Intel ISEF (done) –Map existing science fairs to MAGMA (e.g. ‘Robolot’, ‘Mercatec’, etc.), as a potential route to Intel ISEF (done. For 2013’ edition) –Organise an MOE endorsed Educator Academy along existing science fair (we have done one during Nov 2011) –Involve additional partners in a solid PPP
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 5 Objectives Student participation in far increases 50% by 2014 Volunteers increase 20% by 2014 Keep existing level of funding by Ministry of Education (OK, and actually they've rised the funding) School Science Fair started 2 new partners identified by EOY 2011 (everyone says that, right now, they don’t have money to invest in NGO’s) Increase and track presence in media (press hits, national & regional television) (contacted, let’s see) Identify two pilot schools to integrate Intel ISEF guidelines in research projects (e.g. Aula) (We have conversations with international schools and the agreement is almost done)
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 6 Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives ActionSuccess measureOwnerDeadline Set-up Educator Academy for 2012 (we’ve done a first week program organized with our Gov. During Oct. After that we’ll try to extrapolate to an Ed. Ac.) Reach 40 teachers (50% from participating schools, 50% from high- achieving/non-participating schools) Guillem March ’12 (Oct. 11 ) Involve Intel reps in negotiations with Catalunya Caixa Foundation (not yet. During 2012) Commit Caixa to support fairMarc Dec. ’11 (Feb 2012) Negotiate endorsement of Educator Academy by Catalan MOE Participation at Educator Academy recognised as CPD credit AntonDec ’11 Identify two new partners; explore opportunity to collaborate with Armed Forces/Police Two new partners on board for fair in 2012 GuillemDec ’11 Establish contacts with media (done..let’s see what happens this year during Exporecerca Jove) Fair 2012 announced and reported in regional and national media MarcMarch ’12
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 7 Our Reflections on the Intel ISEF Educator Academy The event allowed to us identify an entry point to ISEF Being in direct contact with stakeholders from around the world, learning BKMs, opportunities, Learning how to ‘think BIG’ Realising that our country is behind others; feeling a challenge to step up to the mark; at the same time, realising our potential and feeling empowered to submit workshop proposals Being in such close contact with Nobel Laureates! Was the most impressive single event Direct, down to earth approach of the whole event; we felt very much welcome and mentored; we felt to be as important and welcome as participants who have taken part for years The shop talk with the Alumni was most inspiring, helped us identifying with the whole experience; extremely useful was also Jack Franchetti’s workshop on Talking Science What was missing: for new teams, a Help Guide with contact names for specific questions and issues
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 8