Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 1 WP6 - Technology EP3 Final Report Technology results December 2009
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 2 What we did in EP3 Focus on ATM Service Level 2 Deployment from 2013 Paving the way towards longer term concepts Two key elements of SESAR Master Plan Initial 4D Trajectory Management ASAS Sequencing & Merging Mature Aircraft and ATC System Enablers up to TRL 4 First step from V2 to V3 Enhanced validation means Integrated air-ground industrial platform Performance evaluation tool
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 3 “Initial 4D” is based on the use of: A 4D trajectory exchanged and synchronized between air and ground The use of CTO with a precision of 30s (at 95%) in en route and 10s (at 95%) in terminal area “Initial 4D” functions are used for planning and sequencing ATM activities but not for separation Air-Ground trajectory synchronization is transparent to the pilot and controller Datalink exchanges are handled as per FANS function Exchanges between flight crew and ATC via DCDU * Flight plan and RTA can be loaded from DCDU to FMS SEC FPLN When set by the flight crew, RTA is managed by the FMS Accurate ETA calculation requires MET data to be uploaded into the FMS * DCDU = Datalink Control and Display Unit WHAT Initial 4D Definition
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 4 Remain behind Merge behind Radar vector then merge behind WHAT ASAS S&M - The 3 manoeuvres
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 5 HOW RTA performance evaluation tool Run several batches of scenarios and collect statistical results Vary key environmental input parameters (e.g. winds) Same simulated FMS as the one integrated in AIRLAB and EPOPEE Representative aircraft model Tools which can be re-used in SESAR to statistically evaluate an FMS function using representative samples Measure conformance to RTA performance requirement (10s, 95%)
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 6 EUROCAT (THALES) HMI Flight plan NAV DB LOC PRED TRAJ FMS FMS (THALES) AIRLAB (THALES) Pre-integration Technical performance EPOPEE (AIRBUS) Pilot acceptability Cockpit & A/C integration coupling And / or 4D trajectory CPDLC messages Up to date vertical function Enhanced meteo model Enhanced RTA HMI MSTS Data Link FDP Air Traffic Generator SIMULATOR (THALES) HOW Integrated air-ground platform
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 7 WP6 - Technology - Conclusion EP3 is investigating the use of integrated air-ground platforms to perform industrial feasibility assessment Basis for SESAR Technical validation is, in EP3, focused on air and ground ATM capabilities to be deployed by (ATM Service level 2) Enhances maturity of those capabilities and Paves the way to ATM capabilities supporting the SESAR target concept (ATM Service levels 3 and 4). Results are promising (usability, achievable performance…)
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 8 Specific study has been carried out by NATS Investigating the potential benefits delivered to ground-based controller tools by use of parameters available from aircraft. DAPS parameters of particular value for improving Trajectory Prediction performance include: Mode S Selected Altitude/Flight Level Indicated Airspeed & True Airspeed Aircraft Mass Two groups of Mode S DAPs have been quantitatively assessed Ground Velocity and Indicated Airspeed / Mach Number. Preliminary conclusions: Use of Mode S Ground Velocity may offer some improvement to TP accuracy. Use of Mode S Indicated Airspeed/Mach number offers benefits to TP modelling in both climb and descent phases of flight, in the along-track dimension.
Episode 3 EP3 WP6 - Excom - December 15th, Brussels 9 Thank you