Presented by Professor Beth Barnett Assistant Professor Jessica Lickeri Student Success Summit 2014
Meet the needs of students who need a refresher of algebraic concepts Accelerate students through a four-course developmental mathematics curriculum Prepare students for college-level coursework Potential to complete up to four courses in one term Save students time Save students money
DEV 0105Basic Mathematics (not included in Bridge) 2 credits DEV 0115Pre-Algebra4 credits MATH 1020Beginning Algebra I2 credits MATH 1030Beginning Algebra II3 credits MATH 1075Intermediate Algebra5 credits MATH 1099: Bridge to College Math (3 credits)
Self-paced(modified “Emporium Model”) Mastery-based learning Demonstrate 100% mastery of topics in the course Demonstrate 80% mastery on a comprehensive final exam No formal lectures Media: Videos, e-book, Animations, Explanations Instructor as facilitator
Initial placement COMPASS (Testing Center provides placement sheet) Pre-requisite course completion “S” and “U” final grades S: Completes at least one entire course U: Does NOT meet the requirements to get credit for at least one course
High Mastery Levels 100% Mastery of Topics 80% Mastery Proven on a Final Exam Modified Emporium Traditional, Distance Learning, Blended formats still offered Initial Placement via COMPASS Scores Students can begin a course based on placement Coded as a Lab Course Students pay for 3 credit hours but attend class 6 hours per week
In computer lab Brief group welcome, attendance, announcements Instructor as facilitator Provides on-demand, individual assistance Enters password for tests Colored Post-It notes indicate need for instructor assistance
SU 2010SU 2011SU % (12/13) 81.5% (44/54) 80.2% (65/81)
Students in Bridge had a higher rate of success than students in equivalent remedial math courses: Autumn 2012 Remedial Math CourseSuccess RateStudents Enrolled Pre-Algebra48%1888 Beg Algebra I54%679 Beg Algebra II53%1463 Beg Alg I/II combo48%1606 Int Algebra53%928 Bridge69%407 Data Source: HEI and ODS 1/17/13.
0 course complete 1 course complete 2 courses complete 3 courses complete 4 courses complete Start point Pre-Algebra (134 stu) 26% (35/134) 34% (45/134) 22% (30/134) 10.5% (14/134) 7.5% (10/134) Beg Alg I (81 stu) 16% (13/81) 50.5% (41/81) 16% (13/81) 17.5% (14/81) Beg Alg II (118 stu) 21% (25/118) 47% (55/118) 32% (38/118) Int Algebra (12 students) 33% (4/12) 67% (8/12) Data Source: MATH 1099 faculty placement grade reports 1/18/13.
TIME: Proficiency through multiple courses MONEY: Tuition rate of $123 per credit hour & books Pre-Algebra (4 cr) Beg Algebra I(2 cr) Beg Algebra II(3 cr) Int Algebra (5 cr) OR Use Bridge for 3 credit hours Pre-Algebra (4 cr) Beg Algebra I(2 cr) Beg Algebra II(3 cr) Int Algebra (5 cr) OR Use Bridge for 3 credit hours Finish Pre-Alg only ◦ Save $123 + book Finish Pre-Alg & Beg Alg I ◦ Save $369 + book Finish Pre-Alg, Beg Alg I & II ◦ Save $738 + book Finish Pre-Alg, Beg Alg I & II, & Int Alg ◦ Save $ book Finish Pre-Alg only ◦ Save $123 + book Finish Pre-Alg & Beg Alg I ◦ Save $369 + book Finish Pre-Alg, Beg Alg I & II ◦ Save $738 + book Finish Pre-Alg, Beg Alg I & II, & Int Alg ◦ Save $ book
SU 2010 SU 2011 SU 2012 AU 2012 SP 2013 SU 2013 AU 2013 #sections enrollment
43 sections including regional campuses Course is 3 credits, but class meets 6 hrs/wk Dedicated classroom/lab Students pick up where they left off in previous semester
Mastery learning Flexibility Student attendance Placement issues Accommodates “life” Students learn that they are in control of their own destiny Intrusive advising
Recent high school graduates Non-traditional, returning students Students who have been unsuccessful in traditional courses Completed high school Algebra II with C or higher ALL!!!!!!
Due to multiple exit points—needed to develop a way for students to register for next course Progress Form Check “PC” box on add/drop form and sign 4-year partners & advisors requested that the transcript reflect the highest course completed Data entry completed at the end of each semester to update student placement level
Students passing 1099 and then re-taking the course was initially an issue Educate Financial Aid on the purpose of the course and then they had to make it work in their system
4-Year Institutions Example Transcript with MATH 1099 Credit COMM2200Business Communication DDG2975AD Agency/Portfolio Dev Math1099Bridge to College Math DEV0115Pre-Algebra IMM1620Web Design/Creation Since Math 1099 allows students to “proficiency” through multiple courses in a single semester, a transcript that includes “Math 1099 S” grade is not sufficient because it does not indicate the course exit point. Because college advisors as well as receiving 4-year institution partners need to know how many courses students have finished in a semester of Math 1099, we have developed a new method of transcripting their credit. B C S S C
Pilot—Recruit students Full Scale—Inform students about the various developmental math courses that can be completed by taking MATH 1099, the benefits of taking the course, and the responsibilities that are involved when taking a modular, self-paced course Communicate with Advising early and often to avoid enrollment challenges. Advisors will hesitate to place students in a new, unknown course.
Developmental Education & Math Department Curriculum Committee approval C&T Departments accepting MATH 1099 as meeting their degree requirement ASC Departments allowing MATH 1099 to serve as the pre-requisite to their degree requirement. OSU partner also looks closely at 1099
Beth Barnett, Professor, Developmental Education Department Jessica Lickeri, Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department