PDS Geosciences Node Page 1 PDS Geosciences Node Report Ed Guinness PDS Management Council College Park, MD November 20, 2008
PDS Geosciences Node Page 2 Overview of Geosciences Node Archiving Active Missions –Mars Odyssey –Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) –Mars Express (ESA mission) –Mercury Surface, Space, Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER, led by PPI Node) –Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) –Phoenix Missions in Development –Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) –Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS ) –Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) –Chandrayaan-1 (ISRO lunar mission) –Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Missions shown in red will be discussed in this presentation.
PDS Geosciences Node Page 3 LRO Mission Summary InstrumentP.I. (Archive Rep)PDS Curator LOLALunar Orbiter Laser AltimeterDavid Smith (Greg Neumann) Geosciences LENDLunar Exploration Neutron Detector Igor Mitrofanov (Karl Harshman) Geosciences DivinerDiviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment David Paige (John Schofield) Geosciences Mini-RFSynthetic Aperture RadarPaul Spudis (Helene Winters) Geosciences CRaTERCosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation Harlan Spence (Larry Kepko) PPI LAMPLyman-Alpha Mapping ProjectAlan Stern (Joel Parker) Imaging LROCLunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Mark Robinson (Eric Eliason) Imaging SPICEPointing and navigation data NAIF Launch: April 24, 2009Start of primary mission: June 24, 2009 Data releases: Six months after start of primary mission (first release December 24, 2009) and every three months thereafter.
PDS Geosciences Node Page 4 LRO Archive Development Status Activity Due DateProject/PDSCRaTER/PPIDLRE/GEOLAMP/IMGLEND/GEOLOLA/GEOLROC/IMG Mini- RF/GEOSPICE/NAIF Establish Archive Working Group Done Develop Archive Plan Done Write Node ICDs Done Create SISs and sample products5/31/07n/aDone n/a Create Local Data Dictionary4/11/08In ProgressDone In ProgressDone n/a Build Catalog Files12/1/08In Progress DoneIn Progress Conduct Peer Reviews2/29/08n/aDone In ProgressDone n/a Conduct End-to- End Delivery Tests7/3/08Done n/a Key: Done Task completed In Progress Task in progress, on schedule In Progress Task in progress, behind schedule Delayed Task delayed, behind schedule
PDS Geosciences Node Page 5 LRO Issues Data Dictionary –Most additions to LRO LDD and main PDS DD are complete, but cannot finalize until end of all peer reviews. LOLA review is still in lien resolution. Peer Reviews –LOLA: EDR complete; RDR in lien resolution. LOLA got a late start because of a delay in instrument testing. Catalog Files –All teams have skeleton catalog files that Betty Sword has reviewed. All except the LEND team need to “beef up” their descriptions. –Drafts are due Dec. 12, Final versions are due two months before first release, Dec 24, 2009.
PDS Geosciences Node Page 6 LCROSS Mission Summary InstrumentP.I. (Archive Rep)Curator VISVisible Context CameraTony Colaprete (Mark Shirley) Imaging NIR1, NIR2NIR Camera (2)Tony Colaprete (Mark Shirley) Imaging MIR1, MIR2Mid-IR Camera (2)Tony Colaprete (Mark Shirley) Imaging NSP1, NSP2NIR Spectrometer (2)Tony Rico (Mark Shirley) Geosciences VSPVisible SpectrometerTony Colaprete (Mark Shirley) Geosciences TLPTotal Visible Luminance Photometer Tony Colaprete (Mark Shirley) Geosciences SPICEPointing and navigation data Tony Colaprete (Mark Shirley) NAIF Launch: April 24, 2009 (with LRO)Impact: July, 2009 (date uncertain; target selection still in progress) Data releases: One release, no more than 6 months after impact
PDS Geosciences Node Page 7 LCROSS Archive Development Status ActivityDue DateProject/PDSVIS/IMGNIR/IMGMIR/IMGNSP/GEOVSP/GEOTLP/GEOSPICE/NAIF Establish Archive Working Group10/30/06Done Develop Archive Plan4/30/07Done Write Node ICDs4/30/07Done Create SISs and sample products5/8/08n/aDone n/a Conduct Peer Review7/16/08n/aIn Progress n/a Create Local Data Dictionary7/16/08In Progress n/a Build Catalog Files 1/6/09 (draft)In Progress n/a Conduct End-to- End Delivery Tests2/17/09In Progress <> Key: Done Task completed In Progress Task in progress, on schedule In Progress Task in progress, behind schedule Delayed Task delayed, behind schedule
PDS Geosciences Node Page 8 LCROSS Issues and Comments LCROSS has one person, who is new to PDS, to design and archive 18 data sets. Schedule has been revised several times. Peer review: Responses to liens were due 7/26/08, received 11/12/08. We are checking the responses. Coordinated ground observations from about 10 participating observatories: –Geosciences Node provided text about PDS archiving for the RFP, and we are in contact with the Program Manager to work with selected investigators. –Proposals were due 10/30/08; date for selection unknown. We offered to help review PDS-related parts. –Proposers may need a lot of hand-holding to make a PDS archive. End-to-End Testing –Test plan is complete. –Test 1 (sample archive volume for each data set) will be conducted in January 2009 along with other project testing. –Test 2 will be conducted if needed depending on results of Test 1.
PDS Geosciences Node Page 9 Phoenix Mission Summary InstrumentP.I. (Archive Rep)PDS Curator TEGAThermal and Evolved Gas AnalyzerWilliam Boynton (Karl Harshman) Geosciences MECA Non- Imaging Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer Michael Hecht / Aaron ZentGeosciences METMeteorology Suite (LIDAR, P&T)Eric Choi, Leif Bloomquist, Cameron Dickenson Atmospheres EDL ACCEDL AccelerometerDavid CatlingAtmospheres RACRobotic Arm CameraMark LemmonImaging MECA OMMECA Optical MicroscopeMichael HechtImaging SSISurface Stereo ImagerMark LemmonImaging SPICEPointing and navigation data NAIF Launch: August 9, 2007Start of primary mission: May 25, 2008 Data releases: December 24, 2008; February 25, 2009; May 2, 2009 End of mission: November 2, 2008 (sol 152)
PDS Geosciences Node Page 10 Phoenix Archive Development Status ActivityDue DateProject/PDSASE/ATMMARDI/IMG MECA- NI/GEO MET LIDAR, PT/ATMRA/GEO RAC, SSI, MECA- OM/IMGTEGA/GEOSPICE/NAIF Establish Archive Working Group Done Develop Archive Plan Done Write Node ICDs Done Create SISs and sample products2/15/08n/aDone In ProgressDone In ProgressDonen/a Create Local Data Dictionary2/15/08Done n/a Build Catalog Files2/15/08DoneIn ProgressDone In ProgressDone Conduct Peer Reviews2/15/08n/aDone n/a Conduct End-to- End Delivery Tests2/22/08Done n/a Test interface between nodes and EN10/1/08Done n/a Key:DoneTask completed In ProgressTask in progress, on schedule In ProgressTask in progress, behind schedule DelayedTask delayed, behind schedule
PDS Geosciences Node Page 11 Preparations for Phoenix Release 1, Dec. 24, 2008 Schedule: –December 10, 2008: Deliver sols 0-30 to PDS –December 24, 2008: Release to public –February 22, 2009: Release sols –May 2, 2009: Release sols Tasks: –MIPL / Teams to reprocess EDRs to correct pointing errors and PDS label errors –Imaging Node to add many new keywords to Data Dictionary –Teams to generate RDRs from reprocessed EDRs –WU (wearing Phoenix hat) to collect calibration reports from all teams –WU to secure ITAR clearance from JPL for all SISs and calibration reports –WU to prepare table of coordinated observations with MRO
PDS Geosciences Node Page 12 Phoenix Issues SSI camera EDRs for sols 0-22 need to be reprocessed by MIPL to correct pointing errors discovered during mission operations. All imaging EDRs need label corrections resulting from peer review, which were identified too late to change the processing software. –Corrections are being done by MIPL prior to delivery. –Two label errors will not be corrected for Release 1 because they require MIPL software changes. Teams generating imaging RDRs need reprocessed EDRs to start with. MECA EDRs need to be reprocessed to correct duplicate packet errors, which were not noticed before because the team did not use the EDRs. MECA Team agreed to take over this task from MIPL. (Does not affect RDR production.) Imaging archive volumes are being assembled at WU (wearing Phoenix hat).
PDS Geosciences Node Page 13 Chandrayaan-1 Archive Summary (U.S. instruments only) InstrumentP.I. (Archive Rep)Curator M3Moon Mineralogy MapperCarle PietersImaging (JPL) Mini-RF (a.k.a. Forerunner) Synthetic Aperture RadarPaul Spudis (Helene Winters)Geosciences SPICEPointing and navigation data ? NAIF Launch: October 22, 2008Start of primary mission: November 12, 2008 Data releases: Mini-RF – January 2010, July 2010, January 2011, July M3 – April 2009, October 2009, April 2010, October 2010, final RDRs at EOM+1 year. End of primary mission: November 11, 2010
PDS Geosciences Node Page 14 Chandrayann-1 Archive Development Status ActivityDue DatePDSM3/IMGMini-RF/GEOSPICE/NAIF Establish Archive Working Group n/a Develop Archive Plan n/a Write Node ICDs n/a ?1/2/2007 n/a Create SISs and sample productsn/a In Progress4/22/2008 n/a Create Local Data Dictionaryn/aIn Progress 4/22/2008 n/a Build Catalog Filesn/aIn Progress ? Conduct Peer Reviewsn/a In Progress4/22/2008 n/a Conduct End-to-End Delivery Tests n/a??5/20/2008 n/a Key:DoneTask completed In ProgressTask in progress, on schedule In ProgressTask in progress, behind schedule DelayedTask delayed, behind schedule
PDS Geosciences Node Page 15 Chandrayaan-1 Issues There is no relationship between ISRO and PDS for Chandrayaan-1 archiving. Hence there is no lead node, PDS-approved archive plan, archive working group, or schedule. –Imaging has been working on M3, and Geosciences on Mini-RF, independently. –Stephanie McLaughlin, SBN, is working for M3 to help develop processing software. The Chandrayaan-1 mission claims to be using PDS standards for archiving, but it’s not clear how well this is being done. At 10/29/08 MIWG telecon, the Geosciences Node agreed to track Chan-1 work for MIWG, including making summary page, checklist and report card. These are in progress. Catalog files exist in draft form but some need revision and review. This is in progress. Delivery schedules are tentative.