5 Sense Poetry Carley Powell and Lauren Walker ECED 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2008
Carley Powell Pre-writing GPS:ELA4R1 The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. d. Identifies sensory details and figurative language. PLO: Student will complete a graphic organizer for a 5 sense poem.
5 Sense Poetry “5 sense poetry is a poem used to describe an emotion via the 5 senses. You will choose an emotion to write about as your topic. In the poem, you will describe the emotion using good descriptive words. A great way to describe things is by using our five senses so the reader can imagine the emotion while reading your poem!”
Prewriting “In order to write a good 5 sense poem, we need to do some prewriting and thinking about our descriptions. We are going to choose an emotion we want to describe. Then, we will think of how that emotion makes us feel and other characteristics about the emotion. After we have our thoughts on our emotion we will complete a graphic organizer. The graphic organizer will help us to organize our thoughts to categorize them into the senses.”
Citation of Published Piece Chavez, Cathy.2005.Teacher Web Creative Publishing. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from 261/webfiles/Five%20Sense%20Poem.htm?outVOU=2 61&height= /webfiles/Five%20Sense%20Poem.htm?outVOU=2 61&height=0
Published Piece Fear Fear is the color of the night. It sounds like a wicked laugh. It tastes like a glass of water. And smells like burning tar. Fear looks like a dark cave. And makes you feel insecure.
The author chose an emotion to use their 5 senses to describe, their emotion is fear. The first line is always a description using color words. The second line the author uses descriptive words to describe what fear sounds like – “It sounds like a wicked laugh” The author then goes on to describe how fear tastes, smells, looks, and makes you feel. All of the descriptions using all of the senses gives the reader good imagery to imagine the emotion fear.
Lauren Walker Drafting GPS:ELA4R1 The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. d. Identifies sensory details and figurative language. PLO: The student will use a graphic organizer to form a draft of a poem.
5 Sense Poetry 5 sense poetry is poetry that describes emotion by using the five senses. The writer will focus on one emotion as the topic for their poem. The writer will use their five senses to describe their emotion to the reader. 5 sense poetry allows the reader to visualize the writer’s emotion.
Drafting The writer will use their graphic organizer they completed during the prewriting stage to complete their draft. The writer will take each sense they wrote about and turn that information into a line in their poem. The student needs to focus on the content of the poem, not spelling and neatness. Example: If the student wrote prickly on their graphic organizer they could write, “It feels like a prickly cactus,” on their draft.
Citation of Published Piece Grant, Eva. Tooter for Kids. Retrieved April 6, 2008, from 5_senses_poetry.htm 5_senses_poetry.htm
Published Piece Wonderful World I can see trees and grass, the sun and sky; I can taste chocolate ice cream, apple pie; I can hear music, laughter, words you said; I can smell perfume, flowers, baking bread; I can touch silk and velvet, a baby's skin; What a wonderful World I'm in!
Published Piece The author used her five senses to write a poem on what a wonderful world would be like to her. The author wrote that she could taste chocolate ice cream and apple pie. This line allows the reader to have a visual image of what a wonderful world would taste like to the writer. The author writes what a wonderful world would feel, look, smell, and sound like to her.
Practice Activity for Prewriting For the practice activity, the class will do a whole group graphic organizer. This way, the students can work together to come up with many descriptions for their poem. The teacher may use the question worksheet that the students will use on the assessment activity to get their minds thinking about the emotion chosen. Have the group chose an emotion to write about. Have the group answer the questions from the questions worksheet and give other descriptions and situation regarding the emotion. Once the class has given their ideas, do a collaborative graphic organizer on the over head or on a chart to organizer their ideas into the 5 senses.
Practice Activity for Drafting For the practice activity, the class will work as a whole group. The students will take their ideas that deal with the senses, from the graphic organizer they completed as a group, and turn them into lines in the poem. The students should skip every other line to leave room for revisions. The students should pay attention to the content of their poem and not the spelling and neatness. The student does not have to write everything that is on graphic organizer and can add things if wanted.
Assessment Activity for Prewriting For the assessment activity the students will do two graphic organizers individually, just as they did with the practice activity. The students will be given the first worksheet. This worksheet has questions to get their minds thinking about the emotion they chose. The second worksheet will help them to take those ideas from the previous worksheet and organize them into the senses so they will be able to easily construct their 5 sense poem draft.
Assessment Activity for Drafting For the assessment activity, the students will work individually. The students will use the graphic organizer they completed individually to form a draft. The students will take what they wrote about their senses on the graphic organizer, and turn these ideas into lines in the poem.