Common Errors In Writing
Most Common Errors Point of View Shifts in Point of View and Tenses Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Pronoun Reference Commas with Coordinating Conjunctions
Point of View POVFocus 1st personIOn Writer 2nd person YouOn Reader 3rd Person Nouns On Subject
Shifts Point of View Shifts I: The most important decision I make is my career choice. You need to pick a career that you like. C: The most important decision I make is my career choice. I need to pick a career that I like.
Shifts Tense Shifts –I: Telephone marketers always call when we were eating. –C: Telephone marketers always called when we were eating. –C: Telephone marketers always call when we are eating.
Pronoun/Antecedents Pronouns take the place of nouns(antecedents) Pronouns must agree in person and number (singular or plural) I: A teacher should explain their assignments. C: Teachers should explain their assignments.
Pronoun Reference Avoid Vague Pronouns –This, that,or which - should have a specific noun that it replaces –You, it, or they - should have a specific noun that it replaces I: In Hollywood, they don’t know what movies to make. They = ? Movie directors I: It is well known that sunscreen prevents skin cancer. It = ?
Commas with Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS - For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so These words connect two independent clauses. Always us a comma before a coordinating conjunction. I like ice cream, and I eat it everyday.