Healthy Teens On line Questionnaire Nicy Turney Senior Nurse Childrens Services LCRPCT
The Team Statistics and information Unit LCC Healthy Schools School Nurse LCRPCT Public Health LCRPCT Childrens Services LCRPCT
History School nurses have completed a one to one questionnaire with Year 9 students Time consuming Poor responses Difficult to evaluate Didnt empower young people
Aims To develop an online questionnaire to be accessed by young people of secondary school age. To enable young people to look at their own health and have an arena to either inform or access further information on different areas of their health. To give the PCT, Schools, Leicestershire County Council and Healthy Schools accurate data and information on the health and life styles within a given locality
Objectives To consult with young people as recommended in the NSF, Every Child Matters and cited in both the Local Area Agreements and Joint Area Review To introduce young people to the school nursing service and signpost them to either the school nurse, pastoral team and local health care specialists.
The Approach The questionnaire is accessed via the Leicestershire County Council website The questionnaire is linked to National Drivers smoking, alcohol, obesity sexual health It signposts to other websites and services.
Roll out School undertake the questionnaire in ICT or PHSE lessons School nurse is available to discuss issues that arise and/or do a presentation at school assembly All the data is electronically submitted to County Hall Details of the websites are available to students after completing the questionnaire
The Advantages Identifies health needs of young people Collates data on individual schools Popular online format Confidential Enables targeted support Encourages young people to take control of their own health The questionnaire can be updated and changed as required. Minimal cost
Who will benefit? The young people Parents and Governors Teaching Staff and the School Healthy School Department Primary Care Trusts School Health Services Public Health Leicestershire County Council
Analyses Data is analysed by County Hall and put in report format Information is sent to Public Health, LCRPCT for recommendations A copy is sent to both the school and school nurse A copy is kept by Public Health
Evaluation – Healthy Teens is a simple tool that can support, advise and give current information so that our young people can make informed decisions about their health and lifestyles. – Healthy Teens has illustrated how partner agencies working together can develop new exciting ways of working