The Origins of Cinema The History, Development & Changes in Film
What is Cinema? Main Entry: cin·e·ma Pronunciation: 'si-n&-m&, British also -"mä Function: noun Etymology: short for cinematograph 1 a : MOTION PICTURE -- usually used attributively b : a motion-picture theater 2 a : MOVIES; especially : the film industry b : the art or technique of making motion picturesMOTION PICTUREMOVIES
FILM HISTORY Early Cinematic Origins The Infancy of Film The Pre-Talkies and Silent Era The Golden Age of Hollywood The Talkies The Growth of the Studios The War and Post-War Years The Beginnings of Film Noir The Cold War and Post-Classical Era The Era of Epic Films The Threat of Television Era Independent The End of the Hollywood Studio System Underground Cinema The American "New Wave" The Last Golden Age of American Cinema The Advent of the Block-buster Film Teen-Oriented Angst Films The Dawn of the Sequel Blockbusters
PRESENT & FUTURE An Era of Mainstream Films Alternatives & Independent Cinema The Rise of CG – Computer Generated Films The Decade of Remakes Re-releases More Sequels The New Millennium Age of Special Effects The Search for the Perfect Blockbuster
Digital cinema affects these major areas of movie-making : Production - how the movie is actually made Distribution - how the movie gets from the production company to movie theaters Projection - how the theater presents the movie Audience - how audiences now view films Media Format – how the product is watched
Annotated Bibliography Varian, H. R. (1997, June 11). The future of electronic journals. Paper presented at the 1997 Scholarly Communication and Technology Conference. Retrieved June 27, 2001 from McGann, J. (1995). The rationale of HyperText. Retrieved June 27, 2001, from University of Virginia, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanaties Web site Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies. Ed. Laura E. Hunt and William Barek. May U of Toronto. 11 May Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States : 1492-Present 1993 New York, NY Perennial pp Gordon Hendricks, The Kinetoscope: America’s First Commercially Successful Motion Picture Exhibitor (New York: The Beginnings of the American Film, 1966). Gordon Hendricks, The Edison Motion Picture Myth (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1961).