Community Life Choices Sharing Feedback from Review of Day Services Monday 16 January 2011 Tony Dailide Assistant Director Promoting Independence
Making progress towards personalised, community-based support Ensuring people have real control Demonstrating the difference Actively engaging local communities Leaders at every level of the organisation work towards a genuine shift in attitudes Seeking solutions that actively plan to avoid or overcome crisis Enabling people to develop networks of support Taking time to listen Understand the needs of families and carers Support that is culturally sensitive and relevant to diverse communities Taking into account a persons whole life
Making progress – Key Themes and Criteria Information and Advice Active and supportive communities Flexible integrated care and support Workforce Risk enablement Personal budgets and self-funding
Context Reducing numbers of people are using traditional day services Raise in eligibility and charges? Changing expectations? Choice and control with user? Marketing? Cost? Reducing budgets
Importance of day time support Meeting the needs of people who require a lot of support Keeping healthy and active Making friends Feeling useful
What is changing Move to reablement, enablement and recovery Change in positioning, attitude and focus of in house services. New mechanisms to give people choice and control Personal budgets through cash and PMAs Market development ChooseMySupport
Implications for providers Move from block contracts to Personal budget holders as purchasers Different risks to manage for providers, local authorities and users New business models focused around the customer in control Creative and responsive services Quality and safety
Moving forward together Providers have key role Importance of being close to end user and knowing what they want Building on experience Agile and responsive sector Some risk but also opportunities Working together to shape new services