Appraising Motion Picture Studios
Some Background
Historically the Studios were owned and operated by major production companies. Product filmed and edited on the major’s lots. Limited facilities used for outside rentals. Many operators came on line to operate properties for real estate revenue Began to change substantially in the 1980s
Advent of Television
Decline of the Major Studios Movie attendance (which had been declining steadily since the Golden Age) hit an all-time low in Example: From 15 releases in 1973, the next year MGM was down to 5; its average for the rest of the 1970s would be even lower. New independent (some major-related) production companies emerged: Touchstone Pictures, Buena Vista, Orion Pictures, Tri_-Star Pictures, HBO In 1986, the combined share of the six classic majors—at that point Paramount, Warner Bros., Columbia, Universal, Fox, and MGM/UA—fell to 64%, the lowest since the beginning of the Golden Age. Smaller independents garnered 13%—more than any major studio aside from Paramount. By comparison in 1964 all of the companies beside the then seven majors and Disney had combined for a grand total of 1%.
Movie Attendance
Filling A Void
Rise of the For Rent Facility Not just a Cost Approach any more Entrepreneurs take advantage; not “movie” people Several facilities with “deferred maintenance” (nicely said) Occupancy rises, increased demand Renovations begin, some stages and offices added
Major Motion Picture Studios Warner Bros.Burbank UniversalUniversal City ParamountHollywood SonyCulver City CBS - RadfordStudio City FoxCentury City DisneyBurbank CulverCulver City Manhattan Beach RaleighHollywood Sunset-GowerHollywood Hollywood CenterHollywood Sunset Bronson (KTLA)Hollywood The LotWest Hollywood Los Angeles CenterLos Angeles Red StudiosHollywood
Major Motion Picture Studios By Type Studio TotalSquare No.NameLocationStagesFeet Major Production Companies: 1Warner Bros.Burbank34544,829 2UniversalUniversal City31383,712 3ParamountHollywood28358,969 4SonyCulver City22396,041 5CBS - RadfordStudio City18336,850 6FoxCentury City15299,389 7DisneyBurbank7113,918 Subtotal2,433,708 Independent/For-Rent: 8CulverCulver City14154,245 9Manhattan Beach 14287,000 10RaleighHollywood12120,789 11Sunset-GowerHollywood12156,214 12Hollywood CenterHollywood10124,180 13Sunset Bronson (KTLA)Hollywood884,270 14The LotWest Hollywood788,164 15Los Angeles CenterLos Angeles6108,000 16Red StudiosHollywood577,979 Subtotal1,200,841 Total2433,634,549
Valuing The Studio
Income Approach Type of Revenue: Direct Stage Revenue (rent) Indirect Stage Revenue (power, dressing rooms, air-conditioning, guards, stage managers, forklifts, expendables Equipment Rentals Office Rentals (includes miscellaneous such as editing rooms) Parking, Telephone Level of Revenue Discounts from “rate card” rates for stages Many “package” deals Obviously many are short term rentals Vacant factor not your typical “5%” Must carefully analyze historicals Indirect Stage Revenue often from about 15% to 25% of total Stage Equipment Rentals – must be only at subject facility Often many other sources of revenue – not part of the real estate
Income Approach Type of Expenses: Taxes Insurance Repairs and Maintenance Utilities Salaries (must include a management fee) Equipment Costs (maintenance and replacements) Level of Expenses High expense ratio (typical 40% to 50%+) Salaries and equipment costs can be half the total expenses Although not included in historicals, often include a “guru” manager expense
Sales Comparison Approach Not many sales of the major studios Sales of “conversions” less comparable Many “conversions” type throughout Los Angeles Santa Clarita (ground up) Quixote Smashbox Delfino Occidential GMT Chandler Valley Center Lacy Street Often must “trend” the few sales Often highly specific to property performance Going Concern a separate issue Cap rates can be difficult to extract
Sales Comparison Approach (1) Included sale lease-back SaleSquareNo. ofSale Price StudioDateFeetStagesTotal/Sq.Ft. Culver Studios Culver City 4/04294,92513$73,000,000$ Same 3/11396,45813$89,650,000$ Manhattan Beach Studios Manhattan Beach 11/04586,63214$98,000,000$ Same 6/07586,63214$150,000,000$ Sunset-Gower Studios Hollywood 11/04556,00012$110,000,000$ Same 8/07619,00012$205,000,000$ Same 6/10619,00012Portfolio KTLA Studios (Bronson) Hollywood 1/08238,1938$125,000,000 $ Leaseback Same 6/10238,1938Portfolio Ren-Mar (now Red Studios) Hollywood 1/10135,2076$23,500,000$ KCET Studios Hollywood 4/11105,0002$42,000,000$400.00