Jack’s gone to the dogs in Alaska February 25, 2005
Alaskan Wedding Feast Marvelous Marvin father of the Groom
Analyses of Lattice Squares Y ijk = + r i + b a j + t a k + e ijk See Table 5 & 6, Page 105 & 106
Analyses of Lattice Squares Calculate sub-block totals (b) and replicate totals (R). Calculate the treatment totals (T) and the grand total (G). For each treatment, calculate the B t values which is the sum of all block totals that contain the i th treatment.
Analyses of Lattice Squares Calculate sub-block totals (b) and replicate totals (R). Calculate the treatment totals (T) and the grand total (G). For each treatment, calculate the B t values which is the sum of all block totals that contain the i th treatment.
Analyses of Lattice Squares Treatment 5 is in block 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20, so B 5 = = Note that the sum of the B t values is G x k, where k is the block size. For each treatment calculate: W = kT – (k+1)B t + G W 5 = 4(816)-(5)(3,411)+13,746 = -45
Lattice Square ANOVA - d.f. Sourcedf Repsk4 Trt(unadj)k 2 – 115 Block(adj)k 2 – 115 Intra-Block Error(k-1)(k 2 -1)45 Trt (adj)k 2 – 115 Effective Error(k-1)(k 2 -1)45 Totalk 2 (k+1)-179
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute the total correction factor as: CF = (∑x ij ) 2 /n CF = G 2 /[(k 2 )(k+1)] (13,746) 2 /(16)(5) 2,361,906
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute the total SS as: Total SS = x ij 2 – CF [ … ] – 2,361,906 = 58,856
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute the replicate block SS as: Replicate SS = R 2 /k 2 – CF [ … ]/16 – 2,361,906 = 5,946
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute the unadjusted treatment SS as: Treatment (unadj) SS = T 2 /(k+1)–CF [ … ]/5 – 2,361,906 = 26,995
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute the adjusted block SS as: Block (adj) SS = W 2 /k 3 (k+1) – CF [ … ]/320 – 2,361,906 = 11,382
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute the intra-block error SS as: IB error SS = TSS–Rep SS–Treat(unadj) SS–Blk(adj) SS 58, , , ,382 = 14,533
Lattice Square ANOVA SourcedfSSMS Reps45,9461,486 T(unadj)1526,9951,800 Blk(adj)1511, Intra block error4514, Calculate Mean Squares for block(adj) and IBE.
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute adjusted treatment totals (T’) as: T ’ i = T i + W i = [Blk(adj) MS-IBE MS]/[k 2 Blk(adj) MS]
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute adjusted treatment totals (T’) as: = [ ]/(16)(759) = T’ = T + W = [Blk(adj) MS-IBE MS]/[k 2 Blk(adj) MS]
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute adjusted treatment totals (T’) as: Note if IBE MS > Blk(adj) MS, then =zero. So no adjustment. T’ = T + W = [Blk(adj) MS-IBE MS]/[k 2 Blk(adj) MS]
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute adjusted treatment totals (T’) as: Note also greatest adjustment when Blk(adj) MS large and IBE MS is small. T’ = T + W = [Blk(adj) MS-IBE MS]/[k 2 Blk(adj) MS]
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute adjusted treatment totals (T’) as: T ’ 5 = T 5 + W 5 T ’ 5 = x (-45) = 814 T’ = T + W = [Blk(adj) MS-IBE MS]/[k 2 Blk(adj) MS]
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute adjusted treatment means (M’) as: M’ = T’/[k+1]
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute adjusted treatment SS as: Treat (adj) SS = T’ 2 /(k+1) – CF [ … ]/5 – 2,361,906 = 24,030
Analyses of Lattice Squares Compute effective error MS as: EE MS = (Intra-block error MS)(1+k ) 323[1 + 4(0.0359)] 369
Lattice Square ANOVA SourcedfSSMSF Reps45,946 T(unadj)1526,995 Blk(adj)1511,382 Intra error4514,533 T(adj)1524,030 Eff. Error4516,605
Lattice Square ANOVA SourcedfSSMSF Reps45,9461, * T(unadj)1526,9951,800- Blk(adj)1511, ns Intra error4514, T(adj)1524,0301, ** Eff. Error4516,
Efficiency of Lattice Design 100 x [Blk(adj)SS+Intra error SS]/k(k-1)EMS 100 x [Blk(adj)SS+Intra error SS]/k(k 2 -1)EMS 100 [11, ,533]/4(16) % I II III IV V I II III I II III IV V
Lattice Square ANOVA SourcedfSSMSF Reps45,9461, * T(unadj)1526,9951,800- Blk(adj)1511, ns Intra error4514, T(adj)1524,0301, ** Eff. Error4516,
RCB ANOVA SourcedfSSMSF Reps45,9461, * T(unadj)1526,9951, ** Error6025,
Lattice Square ANOVA SourcedfSSMSF Reps45,9461, * T(unadj)1526,9951,800- Blk(adj)151, ns Intra error4524, T(adj)1524,0301, * Eff. Error4526,
CV Lattice = 11.2%; CV RCB = 12.1%. Range Lattice 119 to 197; Range RCB 116 to 199. Variation between treatments is small compared to environmental error or variation. Lattice Square ANOVA
Comparison of Rankings
ANOVA of Factorial Designs
Factorial AOV Example Spring barley ‘Malter’ Three seeding rates (low, Medium and High). Six nitrogen levels (90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 units). Three replicates Page 107 of class notes
Factorial AOV Example CF = (297.0) 2 /54 = TSS = [ … ]-CF = Rep SS = [ ]/18-CF = 0.01
Factorial AOV Example Seed rate Nitrigen level Total High Med Low Total Seed rate SS = [ ]/18 – CF = 2.75
Factorial AOV Example Seed rate Nitrigen level Total High Med Low Total N rate SS = [ … ]/9 – CF = 2.75
Factorial AOV Example Seed rate Nitrigen level Total High Med Low Total Seed x N SS = [ … ]/3 – CF - Seed rate SS – Nitrogen SS = 1.33
Factorial AOV Example Error SS=TSS–Seed SS–N SS–NxS SS–Rep SS
Factorial AOV Example SourcedfSSMSF Reps ns Seed Density *** Nitrogen *** S x N *** Error Total
Factorial AOV Example CV = / x 100 = 0.041/5.50 = 3.38% R 2 = [TSS-ESS]/TSS = [ ]/87.03 = 96.2%
Factorial AOV Example SourcedfSSMSF Reps x Seed Rate ns Rep x N rate ns Rep x Seed x N
Factorial AOV Example Seed rate Nitrigen level Total High Med Low Total sed[within] = (2 2 /3) = sed[Seed rate] = (2 2 /18) = sed[N rate] = (2 2 /9) = 0.095
Factorial AOV Example
SourcedfSSMSF Reps ns Seed Density *** Nitrogen *** S x N *** Error Total
Factorial AOV Example SourcedfSSMSF Reps x Seed Rate ns Rep x N rate ns Rep x Seed x N
Split-plot AOV SourcedfSSMSF Reps Seed Density Reps x Seed Nitrogen S x N Rep x N rate Rep x Seed x N Total
Split-plot AOV SourcedfSSMSF Reps ns Seed Density *** Error (1) Nitrogen *** S x N *** Error (2) Total
Strip-plot AOV SourcedfSSMSF Reps Seed Density Reps x Seed Nitrogen Rep x N rate S x N Rep x Seed x N Total
Strip-plot AOV SourcedfSSMSF Reps ns Seed Density *** Error 1 (Seed) Nitrogen *** Error 2 (N) S x N *** Error 3 (SxN) Total
Fixed and Random Effects
Expected Mean Squares Dependant on whether factor effects are Fixed or Random. Necessary to determine which F-tests are appropriate and which are not.
Setting Expected Mean Squares The expected mean square for a source of variation (say X) contains. the error term. a term in 2 x. (or S 2 x ) a variance term for other selected interactions involving the factor X.
Coefficients for EMS Coefficient for error mean square is always 1 Coefficient of other expected mean squares is n times the product of factors levels that do not appear in the factor name.
Expected Mean Squares Which interactions to include in an EMS? All the letter (i.e. A, B, C, …) appear in X. All the other letters in the interaction (except those in X) are Random Effects.
A and B Fixed Effects
A and B Random Effects
A Fixed and B Random
A, B, and C are Fixed
A, B, and C are Random
A Fixed, B and C are Random
Analysis of Split-plots and Strip-plots and nested designs Multiple Comparisons