WHAT IS PODCASTING Podcasting is delivering audio content to iPods and other portable media players on demand, so that it can be listened to at the users earliest convenience from their computer. Unlike traditional radio or other forms of media, podcast s give listeners control over when they hear the recording. Podcasting makes use of the Internet’s Real Simple Syndication (RSS) standard. Content is published and transmitted via the Web.
WHO IS DOING IT? Anyone can be involved in Podcasting if they have access to an internet connection. Amateurs & Campuses are sharing content, opinions, and lectures through Podcasting.
HOW DOES IT WORK? Steps 1.Subscribe to a Podcasting service 2.Connect your portable audio device to your computer 3.Log on to a Podcasting subscription service feed 4.Audio content is then “pushed” from the original source directly to the users iPod or MP3 player.
EMPOWERS Podcasting demonstrates the power of audio files over text, listening opposed to reading. Users have the ability to listen and learn while they walk, jog, ride the bus, or other daily task that would typically place them in front of a computer screen. Podcast technology empowers users to publish audio content directly and seamlessly onto the web.
WHY IS IT SIGNIFICANT Podcasting is now a form of education, allowing it to become more portable than ever. Podcasting is not meant to replace the classroom, but provide educators with another means of meeting the educational needs of their students. Podcasts are a simple and affordable means of transmitting information. Podcasting is predicted to soon become a mainstream application.
DOWNSIDES TO PODCASTING Potential issues with formatting Sufficient bandwidth to download the podcast Not designed for two-way participation/interaction. Quality of speakers, voices, speech patterns, and other sound effects may not be the same as professional broadcast.
WHERE IS IT GOING? There is no limit to where Podcasting can go. It is possible that specialized higher education-based organization will emerge, offering students access to missed lectures, instructions for labs, and experiments. Podcasting is evolving at a rapid rate.
TEACHING AND LEARNING Podcasting allows students to use their technology for educational purposes. Podcasting allows lectures and other educational content available to students Podcasting provides access to experts through interviews Podcasting is not limited to information being delivered to students, however; students can create their own podcasts.
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REFERENCE Educause Learning Initiative-advanced learning through IT innovation