Poetry Journal “The Fish” 10 minutes silently Reading/Writing– Each student will use a copy– tell them not to write on them, as they are classroom copies. 5 minutes to share. Ask them the following questions: 1.What word choice did you find? 2.Did you find any symbols? 3.Did anyone come up with a theme? 4.Did you like it or dislike it? Why?
Vocabulary- Students Present 1 st Period- Jacob Call- Transition 2 nd Period- Carley Wisner- Labyrinth 3rd Period- Tiffany Russell- Labyrinth After students present, they can take a 5 minute drink break. Please switch the phone sign on the white board so it says “Phones Okay Right Now” during this break.
Brainstorming Activity- Have each student PULL OUT A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER. Then, one by one, read each category. Give them a few minutes on each one to write down their answers. Between each one, have them switch papers with another student. Then, they will write their answers to the next statement on their new paper. ***When they finish with all of them, tell them that they will pick one of these topics for their speech. We will begin writing next time. Write down 5 things you know a lot about. (Then have them switch papers with another student. Repeat between each one.) Write down 2 famous people you’d like to learn more about. Write 2 diseases/illnesses/disorders you’d like to learn more about. Write 1 historical event you’d like to learn more about. Write down 5 things you don’t understand/know about at all.
Next, go through these slides with them. Tell them that this is their “concept” for the day, and that they should take notes. If you want to read the slides aloud, you can, but they should pretty much speak for themselves. **On the second slide, there is a video. Just watch the first 4-5 minutes…until this point:
Death by PowerPoint (And how to avoid it)
Death by PowerPoint
Sorry about all the words on the next slide. I realize it’s a terrible use of PowerPoint, but I can’t be there with you today. Consider it a good example of what NOT to do.
Rules of Effective PowerPoints (PPTs) “No more than six words on a slide. EVER” (Godin, n.p.). “No cheesy images. Use professional stock photo images” (n.p.). “No dissolves, spins or other transitions” ( n.p.). Ditch the sound effects!
Rules of Effective PowerPoints (PPTs)…Continued No terrible color schemes or unreadable fonts! “When in doubt, throw it out!” Make sure that your PPT is a visual AID, not the PRESENTER. YOU are the presenter. You should give 95% of the content, and your PPT can give 5%. You should never read off of your PPT. Read off your notecards. If your audience can get the gist of your speech just by reading your PPT, then you are unnecessary. Don’t let that be the case.
Friends don’t let friends use Comic Sans, Papyrus, or Curlz MT !
Don’t be cliché! Download cool fonts from the internet!
10:20:30 Rule
10 slides or less minutes or less (You only need 5-7) pt. font or bigger
Example PowerPoint
Which slides do you like/dislike? WHY?
MLA Format You need at least 2 sources in your presentation—cited in MLA format. All sources must be cited, but you need at least 2. Cheat code!--- Write this website down and use it for your Works Cited: Bibme.org
That’s it! Again, I apologize for this terrible PowerPoint on how to create effective PowerPoints. Situational Irony anyone?
Silent Reading Get your books out and read for the last minutes of class. Nice work, guys! See you Tuesday! Remember: Books done by Mar. 3