Instructions for Completing the P rint A ttribute R esults Form Last revised 3 January 2005
In the case of any discrepancies, the current revision of the Climate Control SVPP procedures and work instructions will take precedence over this document. This document is intended as a training aid ONLY. Please contact the Quality Manager at the receiving plant or for clarification of any discrepancies or issues. 2
3 Table of Contents What Does SVPP Consist Of?4 When is SVPP Required?5 Submitting the SVPP Report6 The Part Submission Warrant7 – 8 How to Complete the Print Attribute Results Form9 – 15 Control Plans16 – 17 ASSEMBLIES Overview18 Alternatives19 w/ Standard Product20 – 21 w/ Multiple “Used In”22 Examples of Completed FORMS Sheetmetal Assembly23 – 26 Cable Assembly27
Return to Table of Contents 4 When is SVPP Required? All Parts, Production or Prototype. New Product –New product completely or new product to a specific plant. –Significant gap in production, (i.e. hasn’t been made for a long time, etc.) Engineering Change –New revision level –Part number change, etc. Material Change Process Change –Change of equipment. –Change of sub-tier supplier. –Tooling / Die / Mold change. Manufacturing Location Change As supporting documentation for: –To document relevant MDA (Material Deviation) information. –To verify the part after an MDA has expired. –To document Corrective Action results / information. Other changes to part, process, etc????
Return to Table of Contents 5 How to Complete the PAR Form The supplier completes #1 - #7 with the appropriate information. The “Climate Control Internal” areas are completed by Climate Control upon receipt of the SVPP Package.
Return to Table of Contents 6 How to Complete the PAR Form #8 The Symbol field is used for reference symbols as appropriate. –It is used to allow the actual dimension to remain numeric, therefore enabling the automatic calculations used in other portions of the document. –Symbols may be used other than those shown.
Return to Table of Contents 7 How to Complete the PAR Form #9 & #10 Whenever possible, use only numeric values in these columns. –Under normal conditions, do not add units of measure (mm, in, etc.) here. Again, this enables automatic calculations. In the case of documenting notes, please be as specific and detailed as possible.
Return to Table of Contents 8 How to Complete the PAR Form #11 Following the numeric format wherever possible, enter the measured or observed values for the actual samples. –When completing fields for notes, be as specific as possible. In most cases “OK” will not be accepted. The Green and Red formatting. This is used as an aid to identifying out of spec conditions. However, the supplier remains responsible for identifying in-spec and out- of-spec conditions. * This is automatic when purely numeric values are used and when the nominal and tolerance values are completed correctly. In the case where non-numeric values are used, the format defaults back to black. This is OK.
Return to Table of Contents 9 How to Complete the PAR Form #12 Enter the actual measurement device/method that was used to determine the result for the samples that are submitted. Notes: This is the inspection device that was used in measuring the samples for SVPP. This device may differ from what is used for in-process inspection activities or other checks. The intent of this column is to facilitate consistency in measurement when Climate Control follows up with a verification of the reported results.
Return to Table of Contents 10 How to Complete The PAR Form #13 The supplier is responsible for completing these columns with either “Y” or “N”. –The Supplier completes this column with a “Y”, if all 3 samples meet the specified requirements. –If any of the samples do not meet the specified requirements, the supplier completes this column with an “N” for that attribute and must contact Climate Control for approval prior to submitting this Print Attribute Report. Note: If the samples are found to be non-conforming, the Supplier should correct these issues and complete a new Print Attribute Report. Only in cases where these issues can not be corrected should the Supplier contact Climate Control to request a deviation.
Return to Table of Contents 11 How to Complete the PAR Form
Return to Table of Contents 12 Assemblies - Overview All assemblies must have complete SVPP for all components on each level.
Return to Table of Contents 13 Assemblies – Alternatives With prior approval from the Quality Manager at the receiving plant, the following diagrams provide examples of reduced inspection activities for components that are used in multiple assemblies. Note: The examples only apply if all of the assemblies are being submitted at the same time or in a very short time span.
Return to Table of Contents 14 Assemblies (w/Standard Product) Generally in an assembly, Full SVPP is completed down to the level of standard (off- the-shelf) product. Assembly A Part Submission Warrant Print Attribute Report Control Plan Sub-Assembly SA1 Print Attribute Report Control Plan Component A2 Print Attribute Report Control Plan Component SA1-1 Print Attribute Report Control Plan Off-the-Shelf Component SA1-2 Verification of Part Identity (Noted in SA1 PAR document) In this case, verification of the correct part identity is all that is required. (With the prior approval of Climate Control plant Quality Manager)
Return to Table of Contents 15 Note: The Labels “Custom Component” and “Catalog Component” are for illustration. In actual practice, they would be labeled “Company Name SA1-1” or “Molex SA1-2,” as examples. Std. Product Example
Return to Table of Contents 16 Assemblies (w/ multiple “used-in”) Include Copies from A, in the packages for Assemblies B and C
Return to Table of Contents 17 Examples of Completed Forms Sheetmetal Assembly Example Example of a top level sheetmetal assembly.
Return to Table of Contents 18 Examples of Completed Forms Sheetmetal Assembly Example The SVPP requirements would cascade as shown here.
Return to Table of Contents 19 Examples of Completed Forms Sheetmetal Assembly Example
Return to Table of Contents 20 Examples of Completed Forms Sheetmetal Assembly Example
Return to Table of Contents 21 Examples of Completed Forms Cable Assembly Example The wire type was previously verified as shown below. Had it not been verified already, it would also fit well between current items #98-99 (STIP) and # (STIN).
Return to Table of Contents 22 Questions???? Contact: