תולדות Learner Profiles Tiered Activities
Write A through H in a column: Put a check next to each statement you feel describes you. Tally each group. A -Example: A - √ √ √ √ 4 B - B - √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 C - C - √ 1 D - D - √ √ 2 E - E - √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 F - F - √ √ 2 G - G - √ 1 H - H - √ √ 2
A I like telling stories and jokes. I like word games like Scrabble. I enjoy talking and writing about my ideas. I read books just for fun. If I have to memorize something, I make up a rhyme or saying to help me. If something breaks, I read the directions. Total_______ B I really enjoy math. I like logic puzzles and brainteasers. I like to find out how things work. I love playing checkers or chess. I like to put things in order. If something breaks, I look at the pieces and try to figure out how they work. Total_______ C A favorite hobby is art or craft related. I daydream a lot. I like to draw, doodle, and create. In a magazine, I like to look at the pictures rather than reading the words. If I have to remember something, I draw a picture to help me. If something breaks, I study a picture of it to help me. Total_______ D I enjoy playing sports. When I look at things, I like to touch them. I move my body a lot when I’m talking. I like to tap my fingers or play with my pencil during a lesson. I have a hard time sitting still for a long time. If something breaks, I play with the pieces to try to fit them together. Total ________
E My radio is set to a music station. I like to listen to music and to sing. I like to have music playing when I’m doing my homework. I play a musical instrument well. If I have to memorize something, I make up a song or rhyme to remember it. If something breaks, I tap my fingers to a beat while I figure it out. Total_______ F I love to go walking in the woods and looking at trees and flowers. As an adult, I’d like to live in the country. I like to collect things such as rocks, sports cards, and stamps. I like gardening and growing plants. I like learning the names of living things in my environment like trees and flowers. If something breaks, I look around me to see what I can find to fix the problem. Total_______ G I get along well with others. I like working with others in groups. I like helping teach other students. Friends come to me to ask my advice. I have many friends. If something breaks, I try to find someone who can help me. Total_______ H I like to work alone without anyone bothering me. I don’t like crowds. I know what I like and what I don’t like. I don’t follow the crowd. I do what I want to do. I have one or two good friends. If something breaks, I like to fix things by myself. Total_______
A - Verbal/LinguisticB - Logical/Mathematical C - Visual/SpatialD - Bodily/Kinesthetic E - MusicalF - Naturalist G - InterpersonalH - Intrapersonal
Core Concept: תולדות – Jews and Israelites are a family as well as a group with certain beliefs - is a recurring theme in the Book of Beresheet Learner Outcome: Students will identify the recurring theme of Toldot - the genealogy of the Jewish people - and articulate why this theme is important. Initiating Activity: Read פס' 19 פרק כ"ה and then read the list on 25:3 Learner: Visual Spatial Activity: Identify the recurring theme and then design a representation of that theme in Beresheet Learner: Linguistic Intelligence Activity: Identify the recurring theme and then write a story or poem that describes it. Tiered activities with formative or summative assessment imbedded Lesson __1_, Part _8_:__Synthesis: Introduction of theme תולדות
Core Concept: Our ancestors lived according to the rules of Primogeniture and these rules had a direct effect on the lives of our fathers, specifically Yaakov Learner Outcome: demonstrate understanding of the rules of primogeniture Initiating Activity: I would use the sample activity in the English Madrich pg 75 and involve the whole class. Learner: Activity: Learner: visual, spatial Activity: draw you and your siblings in birth order and then draw what each sibling would get according to this rule. Tiered activities with formative or summative assessment imbedded Lesson _2__, Part _6_:___Rules of Primogeniture
To prepare for our next Webinar Gather learner profiles for 2-3 students. Choose a specific segment of a תולדות lesson. Complete a graphic organizer for that section -- designing at least two tiered activities.
Core Concept: Different responsibilities and privileges among siblings can lead to complications. Learner Outcome: Students will propose how the תקבלת emphasizes the import of these verses. Initiating Activity: Have class chorally read verse 23. Learner: Activity: Learner: Activity: Tiered activities with formative assessment imbedded
Core Concept: Learner Outcome: Initiating Activity: Learner: Activity: Learner: Activity: Tiered activities with formative or summative assessment imbedded Lesson ___, Part __: ____________________________