HMCI Report Reading for Purpose and Pleasure Effective schools see parents involvement as fundamental to raising standards.
Reading is a basic life skill. It is a cornerstone for a child's success in school, and, indeed, throughout life. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfilment and job success inevitably will be lost. -- Becoming a Nation of Readers: The Report of the Commission on Reading
The more you read The more things you will know The more you learn The more places you will go. Dr Seuss
confident effective and readers. We want children to become
familiarity Learning to read familiarity response choice reading behaviour decoding
It is widely agreed that phonic work is an essential part, although not the whole picture of what it takes to become a fluent reader and skilled writer……and should be set within a broad rich language curriculum. Rose Review Interim Report Phonics
Hear, identify, segment and blend phonemes in words Sound and name letters of the alphabet Exploring rhyme alliteration, sound patterns Identify syllables in words Recognise that the same sounds may have different spellings and same spellings may relate to different sounds What is Phonics?
red duck catchspade Segmentation and blending
Other aspects of decoding: Context Word recognition Grammatical awareness
Developing Readers
Text example to illustrate inference and deduction e.g. Activity
How are these characters feeling? What makes you think that? Are they rich or poor? How do you know? Why do you think the lady is sat away from the table?
Shared Reading GuidedReading Independent Reading Reading in other subjects Individual Reading Reading in the community
Children need a variety of a variety ofreading experiences. comics poetry adventure stories plays information books traditional stories etc
Dont forget the web!
books magazinesnewspapers packets leaflets instructions signs and captions teletext TV listings CD roms messages Talk…Listen…Talk…Listen…Talk…Listen…Talk…Listen…Talk… What can we read at home?
Understand the reading processUnderstand the reading process Value reading to the end of primary years and beyondValue reading to the end of primary years and beyond Be a good role modelBe a good role model Recognise and support our childrens interests and desiresRecognise and support our childrens interests and desires Making time for our children to readMaking time for our children to read How can we help our children?
A good ten minutes reading is better than a difficult half hour Be Positive! Let your child see that reading is important in your life Enjoy it!
Parent Teacher teacher parent child