2007 Team Oklahoma Youth Consultant Training
We must engage our classes in evangelistic prayer. Evangelistic prayer is absolutely vital to reaching the lost. Evangelistic prayer is an essential, but often a, missing ingredient in many Youth Sunday School classes today. Evangelistic prayer moves people from human striving to spiritual empowerment.
Life change happens best in a small group environment. Sunday School is a small group ministry that involves students in Bible Study, Prayer, Ministry, Friendship, Fellowship, and Outreach. The key to evangelistic growth is relationship evangelism or sound enrollment practices.
For every new class a Sunday School starts, attendance increases by 10 people. The saturation point for a Youth SS Class is 20 enrolled or 12 attending. New units enlarge the organization so that it can reach and minister to more people.
The leader is the lesson. God can do amazing things through one, committed leader.
Power Up Your… Heart. (Transformational Study) Soul. (Transformational Living) Mind. (Transformational Teaching) Strength (Transformational Ministry)
A quote to consider…
3 So tell the people: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: Return to Me"—[this is] the declaration of the LORD of Hosts—"and I will return to you, says the LORD of Hosts. 4 Do not be like your ancestors; the earlier prophets proclaimed to them: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: Turn from your evil ways and your evil deeds. But they did not listen or pay attention to Me"—the LORD's declaration. 5 "Where are your ancestors now? And do the prophets live forever? 6 But didn't My words and My statutes that I commanded My servants the prophets overtake your ancestors? They repented and said: As the LORD of Hosts purposed to deal with us for our ways and deeds, so He has dealt with us." Zechariah 1:3-6 (emphasis added)
Our love for God is energized and enhanced by the study of His word. The scripture speaks to places in us where nothing else can. The impact of our lives on others is directly proportional to the impact of His word on us.
A quote to consider…
Your thoughts are the foundation for the level of influence you will achieve. (Psalm 139:23-24) Your words, then, are the building blocks of that influence. (Eph. 4:29) And your actions determine whether the first two will have any lasting impact. (Gen. 22:15-17)
A quote to consider…
Teaching for Comprehension (Capacity) (Ex: Noah; The Ark, the Animals and the Rainbow; God Loves Us) Teaching for Understanding (Contemplation) (Ex: Noah; A few more details: Noah’s family, building the boat, rain, flood, dry ground; God Provides for His People) Teaching for Application (Conduct) (Ex: Noah; Even more details: Noah is the only righteous man, complete timeline, location, people dying, God fulfills His promise; Walking in righteousness, going against the flow, living in obedience.)
Teaching for Transformation (Conversion) (Ex: Noah; The “extra” content: the Lord’s regret, Noah’s struggle, the Lord’s participation, the depth of the water, Noah waits until God releases him; The life principles: God is faithful to those whose heart is His, His grace is immeasurable, but will not be indefinitely available) Teaching for Multiplication (Cultivation) (Ex: Noah; Passing it on: helping others walk in integrity and sharing the Gospel without delay)
A quote to consider…
We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. 1 Thess. 2:8 You should look to connect yourself to the needs of: The widow, the orphan and the poor. Those of the household of the faith. The spiritually lost.