Getting Ready for the Revised EYFS September 2012 EYFS Support Meeting Summer 2012
Aims To ensure practitioners are familiar with the key elements of the revised EYFS ready for implementation in September 2012 To network and learn from each other To share national and local updates
Implementing the Revised EYFS Retain resources and systems Building on existing good practice – refinement rather than change
Documents Available Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (DfE) Development Matters (Early Education) A Know How Guide The EYFS progress check at age two (ncb) Check list of changes To follow EYFS for Parents (4children) Summer 2012 The EYFS Profile 2012 (STA)
Revised EYFS - Key Themes Safeguarding Child development, how children learn areas of learning and development Partnership with parents SEN and inclusion Assessment Early intervention, inter agency working
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage The Learning and Development Requirements Assessment The Safeguarding and Welfare requirements
The Learning and Development Requirements Section 1 Wrap around and holiday providers Prime and Specific areas of learning. Individual needs, interests, and stage of development Development Matters English as an additional language Planned, purposeful play through a mix of adult led and child initiated activity The different ways children learn Characteristics of Effective Learning Early Learning Goals Section 2 Assessment Progress check at age two A Know How Guide: The EYFS progress check at age two
Taken from Development Matters in the EYFS page 5 Early Education 2012
Development Matters Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically support childrens learning across all areas of learning Activity: Reflection
Assessment The EYFS progress check at age two Progress from the Start EYFS Support Meeting Autumn 12
The EYFS Progress Check at Age Two Activity: True or False
True / False The EYFS requires that providers carry out a progress check at age two
True / False When recording the progress check, practitioners must use a government prescribed format?
True / False The progress check at 2 involves the Childs key person Observational on going assessment Voices of the child, parent and other professionals involved
True / False The progress check should describe the activities and strategies the provider intends to adopt to address any issues and concerns
True / False One of the aims of the progress check is to review a child's development in the 3 prime areas
True / False Practitioners should encourage parents to share information from the progress check with other relevant professionals, including their health visitor
True / False If a child moves between settings between the ages of two and three, it is expected that the progress check would usually be undertaken by the setting where the child has spent the most time
The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements How do I ensure that I meet all the requirements?
Meeting the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
What are the important changes? Activity: Scenarios
Ofsted Inspection and Regulation from September 2012 New frameworks for registration, inspection and enforcement Guidance and frameworks published end June 12 What Ofsted intend to achieve Proposed inspection judgements
Refreshment Break / Networking