1 Safeguarding and Looked After Childrens Services Inspection
2 Background April 2009, Joint Area Review replaced by Safeguarding and Looked After Childrens Services Inspection Ofsted and Care Quality Commission inspectors Commonly known as the Announced inspection
3 It may be announced but… Only 10 working days notice is given Inspectors on site for 10 working days
4 We must be ready for inspection before notice is given!
5 Ofsted Judgements Overall effectiveness of safeguarding and services for looked after children services Capacity for improvement of safeguarding and services for looked after children services Safeguarding outcomes for children and young people –children and young people are safe and feel safe –the contribution of health agencies to keeping children and young people safe How good are outcomes for looked after children and care leavers?
6 How will Ofsted reach the judgements? Inspectors will: Read through documentation Review case files and analysis This will provide the inspectors with key lines of enquiry and will be used when meeting with a range of people, including children, young people and carers
7 Ofsted Report Single report Separate grades given for safeguarding and looked after children Four grades: Outstanding; good; adequate; inadequate