Fall 2012: FCM 708 Foundation I Lecture 2 Prof. Shamik Sengupta
Quick Recap… Intro to Computer Architecture: –Number system –Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal –Unsigned and signed representations –Hardware architecture –A simplified model of the microprocessor structure –Central Processing Unit (CPU) –Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) –Control Unit (CU) –Register Array –System Bus –Memory –Overview of Instruction Execution Cycle FCM 708: Sengupta
A quick look at a microprocessor architecture Let us have some hand-on experience of what we have learnt so far We will use a simple microprocessor simulator –Motorola 68HC11 FCM 708: Sengupta
Boolean algebra and Logic gates
Objectives Understand the relationship between Boolean logic and digital computer circuits Learn how to design simple logic circuits. Understand how digital circuits work together to form complex computer systems. FCM 708: Sengupta
Introduction In the latter part of the nineteenth century, George Boole showed that logical thought could be represented through mathematical equations Computers, as we know them today, are implementations of Boole’s Laws of Thought –John Atanasoff and Claude Shannon were among the first to see this connection FCM 708: Sengupta
What is Boolean algebra Boolean algebra is an algebra for the manipulation of objects that can take on only two values, typically true and false Why Boolean algebra is so useful in computers? –Because computers are built as collections of gates that are either “on” or “off,” Boolean algebra is a very natural way to represent digital information or compute information Boolean functions are implemented in digital computer circuits called gates (logic gates) –A gate is an electronic device that produces a result based on two or more input values –All the microprocessor components are combinations of such logic gates FCM 708: Sengupta
Boolean Operators Most common Boolean operators are AND, OR and NOT A Boolean operator can be completely described using a truth table The truth table for the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT are shown here FCM 708: Sengupta
The three simplest gates are the AND, OR, and NOT gates. They correspond directly to their respective Boolean operations, as you can see by their truth tables And these representations map exactly into the electric circuits of a digital system Logic Gates FCM 708: Sengupta
Detailed implementation picture of a Logic Gate Voltage inverted from input Voltage from input This is the logic for an AND gate 74LS08 Quad 2-input AND FCM 708: Sengupta
The output of the XOR operation is true only when the values of the inputs differ. Logic Gates Note the special symbol for the XOR operation. Symbols for NAND and NOR, and truth tables are shown at the right. FCM 708: Sengupta Three other logic gates:
Logic Gates NAND is known as universal gate because they are inexpensive to manufacture and any Boolean function can be constructed using only NAND gates. FCM 708: Sengupta
Boolean Functions Boolean functions are composed of Boolean variables and multiple logic operators NOT has the precedence over AND AND has the precedence over OR FCM 708: Sengupta
Boolean Functions Digital computers contain circuits that implement Boolean functions. The simpler that we can make a Boolean function, the smaller the circuit that will result. –Simpler circuits are cheaper to build, consume less power, and run faster than complex circuits. With this in mind, we always want to reduce our Boolean functions to their simplest form. –Boolean identities FCM 708: Sengupta
Most Boolean identities have an AND (product) form as well as an OR (sum) form. We show our identities using both forms. Our first group is rather intuitive: Boolean identities FCM 708: Sengupta
Our second group of Boolean identities should be familiar to you from your study of algebra: Boolean identities FCM 708: Sengupta
Our last group of Boolean identities are perhaps the most useful. Boolean identities FCM 708: Sengupta
Simplification of Boolean Functions Let’s try some of these identities to simplify Boolean Functions: F = AB + BBC + BCC F = A + B(A+C) + AC FCM 708: Sengupta
Simplify the function: Simplification of Boolean Functions FCM 708: Sengupta
Hand-on Practice Multimedia Logic Simulator Can be downloaded from We will implement some of the simplest logic circuits FCM 708: Sengupta
Digital Circuits and Boolean Algebra Using Boolean algebra to design various important digital circuits implementation –Designing a Burglar alarm –Designing an adder FCM 708: Sengupta
Reading Assignment 1.Boolean Algebra (In Blackboard) FCM 708: Sengupta