Learning program : Mechanic – electrician Name of the program : Numerical systems II. class Numerical projection principe Made by : Mgr. Holman Pavel Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Numerical systems
Numerical signal is called a binary signal. For processing the signal in the numerical device we use circuits, which have only two states. These circuits do conduct the current in one state and don’t conduct in the other. That enables to represent unit amount of information – one bit – by each state of this circuit closer. Numerical method is a part of the technical informatics. Information means message, instruction, which consist of message communication and its content, content not even of oral communication, but also the content of the article, essay, book or signal too (f.e. light signal, flag down). We aim to achieve the most efficient communication possible. That’s why people in 1950s come up with science field Informatics, science about retrieving, processing, saving and making technical information accessible.
Other developed science field was the information theory dealing not with the information content, but examining for example information measuring, the decreasing of information amount due to disturbing elements, how we can minimize interference effects etc. Currently, information is along with material, energetic and financial resources one of the main factors determining success in all fields of human activities. The smallest information unit is bit (BInary digiT ). Most often it is a one symbol in binary code. Technical informatics creates mathematic and logic models of problem and solves technical realization of these models (hardware). The term numerical is often mistaken with the term digital. The word digitus comes from Latin and relates to the finger counting. Numerical figures serves for the description of analog quantities (f.e. time).
Digital quantities can only amount to the definite amount of values from so called alphabet. Alphabet means definitive quantity of reciprocally distinguishable symbols. Digital quantities are discrete in time and in value. Examples of alphabets: Decimal numbers - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Traffic lights – red, orange, green Morse alphabet – dot, comma, short space, long space bit – 0, 1 Today’s digital circuits use the binary alphabet (0,1). It is the smallest possible count, which can represent meaningful information. The less symbols alphabet contains, the bigger differences can be between them and the better we can distinguish between individual values. Example of the numerical signal
Finally even digital circuits are made of analog components. But due to the chosen information representation form they are resistant to the interference and distortion, which are inevitable in the real world. Interference tolerance is achieved by the properly chosen alphabet encryption. For example it is possible to define that logic 0 is voltage in the scale V and logic 1 in the scale V. The breadth of the zone increases the interference and distortion tolerance while the zone interval increases the distinctiveness of symbols. Digital signal realized by analog circuits
One bit can distinguish one event defined by two states. For example, it conducts current or it doesn’t conduct the current, it is raining or it isn’t raining, the temperature is higher than 10°C and the thermostat switches on or it isn’t and the thermostat switches off, light is on or off. This simple logic is called two-state logic due to previously mentioned two states. Despite its simplicity it represents the basis for even so complicated device as computer is. If we want to distinguish more states or effects, we need more bits. For example if we want to distinguish colors red, blue and brown, we need combination of two bits. If it isn’t enough and there is need for the category amount increase, we can add another bit. Using three bits provides eight possible definitions.
Question chart: Numerical projection for 100 Numerical projection for 500 Numerical projection for 300 ABCD EFGH Prémie The End
Numerical projection for 100 Numerical signal is often called:
Numerical projection for 100 What is the name of the information amount unit?
Numerical projection for 100 What does the term information mean?
Numerical projection for 300 What values can digital quantities acquire?
Numerical projection for 300 What can have impact on the signal interference and distortion tolerance?
Numerical projection for 300 What improves zone interval?
Numerical projection for 500 What is the name of the science field, which creates mathematic and logic models of problem and solves technical realization of these models (hardware)?
Numerical projection for 500 What is the name of the science field dealing not with the information content, but examines for example information measuring, the decreasing of information amount due to disturbing elements, how we can minimize interference effects?
Numerical projection for 500 How many bits do we need to distinguish eight various states?
Bonus for 100 How many bits are in one Byte?
Bonus for 300 What is the smallest possible number of symbols for representation of the meaningful information?
Bonus for 500 Which alphabetical symbols are used in contemporary digital circuits?
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